Saturday, August 16, 2008

Major breakthrough for Lingelethu police

By Cindy Witten
16 August 2008

The Lingelethu West police department made a major breakthrough on Friday morning between 3h00 and 4h00, when detectives arrested six suspects in two separate incidents. The men ranged between the ages of 18 and 21 years old.

“Four males were arrested at KTC and G Block for Attempted Murder and Possession of unlicensed firearm. The arrest has been made after the suspects had an argument and shot a 19 yr old male in his stomach at F block on Saturday August 9. The victim is still at hospital in a stable condition,” said Inspector Siphokazi Mawisa, from the Lingelethu Police Station in Khayelitsha.

She added that, another two men were detained for house robbery at TR Section and S Block. The two suspects were allegedly involved in a house robbery at TR Section in June this year. The complainant claimed that he knew the perpetrators, but that they had been on the run from police ever since the time of the incident.
“Police confiscated a 7.65 Lilama unlicenced firearm. The six suspects are due to appear at Khayelitsha Magistrate Court on Monday August 18,” said Mawisa.

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