Monday, August 25, 2008


The Rondebosch Village Market is open every Saturday from 7:30 am to noon, next to the Rondebosch Library in St. Andrew’s Road. Organic produce, home bakes, books and bric-a-brac are on sale. For details call Dee on 021 696 5749 or Pieter on 072 222 6410.

Dennegeur Primary School will be holding its Food Fair on Friday 29 August from 5pm till 9pm. Coupons are R50 each and are available at the school. For more information contact Dennegeur Primary on 021 393 3475

# The Lions club of Goodwood will host a bingo evening at the cultural hall on Tuesday September 9 from 8pm. 10 games will cost you R20. For more information contact call Richard and Janet Hayes on 021 558 5866 or 072 359 5917.

# Durbanville Lions Club will hold a fun horse race evening at Rosehaven, Queens Street, Durbanville, on Friday August 29, at 7.30 pm. Tickets are R35 and include a meal. Call John on 021 976 2236 or Pierre on 021 914 0845

If you have any information for the CIN team regarding events happening in you community, please feel free to contact us on 021 4485450 or fax us on 021 448 5451. Alternatively you can email us on If you have missed any of the numbers mentioned you can give us a call.

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More than 14k children tagged at Cape Town beaches over the past long weekend, as part of Identikidz programme

More than 14 000 children were tagged at Cape Town beaches over the past long weekend, as part of the City of Cape Town’s Identikidz program...