Tuesday, September 29, 2009

All municipalities must have a Blue Drop certificate ahead of 2010.

By Ofentse Mokae
29 September 2009

The Blue Drop Certification Programme aims to see qualifying municipalities receive what is known as the "Blue Drop Status."

This status will indicate that the town's drinking water is of good quality and consumers will be secure in the knowledge that wastewater is managed and discharged in a sustainable, eco-friendly way.

The status will reflect the water regulator Water Services Authority's level of confidence in the town's drinking water quality management levels per service system in towns and cities.

Minister of Water Affairs, Buyelwa Sonjica said the only municipality in the North West that had the status was the Tlokwe Municipality.

Sonjica was speaking yesterday at the provincial Water Indaba which is expected to address water challenges and come up with solutions on ensuring water sustainable resource management as well as develop a tangible water action plan.

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