Saturday, September 19, 2009

Rabbits to be killed on Robben Island

By Khanyisa Tabata
18 September 2009

Robben Island authorities are to embark on a major cull of the island's rabbits, fallow deer and cats next month.

The island is heading for an environmental disaster," the island museum's acting CEO Jatti Bredekamp said.

He said the 25 000-plus rabbits on the 475 hectare island were causing "absolute havoc, destroying vegetation under historic buildings.

The animals would be shot by a team of experienced professionals, working after the last tourist of the day had left, and in the early mornings.

At the same time, the department of public works would help eliminate the island's rats.

However the SOCA intends to question the officials about their plans to kill the animals next months.

Thousands of rabbits were picked in November last year but the island’s population has reportedly ballooned since then.

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