Wednesday, September 30, 2009

CTV goes off air

By Kim Saulse
30 September 2009

Cape Town TV has been forced to go off air temporarily.

Cash flow problems have prevented the station from paying its broadcast costs, but the station’s management is confident that the situation will be resolved soon.

“ We were unable to make the payment to Sentech, which is the parastatal that distributes our signal. Until we’ve paid them the amount outstanding, which we hope will be in the next few weeks, we’ll be off air,” says Mike Aldridge, CTV broadcast manager.

The Department of Communications does not subsidise community television, forcing CTV to meet the entire cost of broadcast.

“Community TV should also get a subsidy like community radio, and we’ve been working hard for some time now to lobby the department to implement that policy,” added Aldridge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lets hope Ctv gets back on air soon

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