Tuesday, September 22, 2009

City sets up a Climate Change Think-Tank

By Ofentse Mokae
22 September 2009

The City of Cape Town has set up a newly formed Climate Change Think-Tank in the city today.
The tank consists of renowned academics and specialists who will assess climate change and its effects on Cape Town.

In a media statement the city says it aims to be a leading local authority in its response to climate change.

“The Council has already adopted an Energy and Climate Change Strategy and has established an Energy Committee,” the statement.

It says the newly formed Climate Change Think-Tank will lead the proactive response to climate change.

Chairperson of the Planning and Environment Portfolio Committee,
Alderman Brian Watkyns says climate change presents potentially formidable challenges for Cape Town.

This is with particular risk to the economy, service delivery, resource sustainability and its most vulnerable communities.

The Think-Tank will meet quarterly for the next two years.

Regular updates from the group will be made available to the public.

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