Friday, September 25, 2009

Drugs valued at R5 000 seized in Woodstock

By Kim Saulse
25 September 2009

Early this morning , members of the Woodstock Police arrested a 27 year old man in Hercules Street, Woodstock for allegedly dealing in drugs.

The police members were busy with routine stop-and-search and visible policing patrols. When they approached the man he fled on foot.

They gave chase and apprehended the suspect.

“We searched the suspect and confiscated 50 packets of tik, six pieces of heroine and R1380- 00 in cash found in his possession. The estimated street value of the seized drugs is R5 000-00.

“The 27 year old suspect is currently in police custody. He is facing a charge of Dealing in drugs and will appear in the Cape Town Magistrates’ Court on Monday,” said SAPS spokesperson Sergeant Hilton Malila.

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