Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cosatu condemns “racist” killing of farm worker

By Ofentse Mokae
27 September 2009

Congress of South African Trade Unions says it is very disturbed by the news that a farm worker has been shot dead by a white farmer while crossing the farmer’s land in the Lichtenburg area.

In media statement, North West provincial secretary Solly Phetoe says the federation has called on the Department of Justice to be decisive in its response to the defence of farm workers and dwellers who are killed by farmers.

Phetoe says Cosatu sees the latest incident as an act of racism.

“As COSATU we are not apologetic to say to the public this shooting is racism,” Phetoe said.

He says the they call on the National Human Rights Commission, Agri NW and Agri forum to tell them whether this is not racism.

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