Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Slight victory for city traders

By Ofentse Mokae
23 September 2009

Traders at the Mitchells Plain Town Centre are pleased over what they call a “slight victory” over an eviction battle they have with the City council.

City of Cape Town’s Randall Strikker has announced that the eviction of over half of the Town Centre traders has been moved until the end of October.

Concerned Hawkers and Traders Association Chairperson Mischka Cassiem says the postponement is a slight victory.

“This postponement is a slight victory due to the pressures put on the city by the traders, but it still remains that the city will continue with evictions,” said Cassiem.

Earlier this month the traders met with the WC Premier Helen Zille who vowed to help and assist wherever she can.

CHATA thanked her for her time; however, tensions are still running high in the Town Centre regarding the eviction.

“CHATA takes the words of Premier Zille seriously, but knows the fight is not over and cannot rely on city officials after there have been lies and unfulfilled promises in this entire process,” she added.

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