Monday, September 21, 2009

Minister assures public of National Health Insurance objective

By Khanyisa Tabata
21 September 2009

Minister of Health Aaron Motsoaledi has assured the public that the proposed National Health Insurance should not be seen as a monster.

In a media statement Motsoaledi said people should not think of the NHI as monster. He said the NHI will enable all South Africans to access quality health services which will be free to a point of service.

He said improving the quality of healthcare services was on government’s ten-point programme to improve the lives of South Africans.

The minister said the overhaul of the healthcare system was necessary so as to deliver better healthcare for the country.

According to repots Motsoaledi said he noted there was a need for hospitals to be better managed following a recent visit to the Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital in Soweto and he would also investigate the low number of new doctors entering the medical field.

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