Sunday, September 27, 2009

DA calls for an independent inquiry into tender claims

By Ofentse Mokae
27 September 2009

The Democratic Alliance believes Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies must authorise an independent inquiry into the alarming situation at the Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office (Cipro).

The DA says he must also consider steps to suspend the Valor IT tender, pending the results of such an investigation.

In a media statement DA shadow deputy minister of Trade and Industry ANDRICUS Van Der Westhuizen says the details emerging before the South Gauteng High Court are extremely concerning.

These include tender rigging involving senior officials at Cipro.

“Of particular concern is the alleged role of some of Cipro’s senior staff, like the Chief Information, in the allocation of the questionable tender for R152,7 million to a small and little known closed corporation ValorIT”, said van der Westhuizen.

Van der Westhuizen says the DA urge Minister Davies to state publicly what action is being taken to resolve these serious matters.

Attempts to reach the trade and industry ministry proved unsuccessful.

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