Thursday, March 14, 2024

Four Cape Flats SAPS stations set to be completed by 2026

Cape Town should have four new police stations to service the community in Cape Flats by the end of 2026. This is according to Police Minister, Bheki Cele, who conducted monitoring and evaluation visit to the Makaza SAPS and Tafelsig SAPS, on Tuesday.

Makhaza SAPS has been under construction since August 2023, and according to SAPS, will be completed within two years. Meanwhile, Tafelsig SAPS was set to completed by July 2020, but was halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Cele says progress is being made in the clearing of the site earmarked for the construction of the Tafelsig station which will bring police services closer to residents of Mitchell’s Plain.


"While there have been some delays in the commencement of construction at the Tafelsig police station due to community’s demands to fall part of the construction project, this has since been resolved and contractors have agreed to source labour from the local community," said Police Minister, Bheki Cele.


He also welcomed the quick turn-around time in the building of the Makhaza police station, which is now 97 percent complete. Upon completion, the station will better service the community of Khayelitsha.

"It has taken six months to complete the Makhaza police station and this is commendable and encourages us to do more to ensure policing services are not a ‘nice to have’ but are accessible to all. We have been assured by contractors that the outstanding electricity and water connections on the site will be completed with the coming weeks and the station can fully operate and service the community.” concluded Cele.


The other two SAPS stations - Browns Farm and in Samora Machel - are also expected to be completed and service communities by 2026.


Done By: Mitchum George

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