Friday, September 11, 2009

Community organisation celebrates 15 years

By Khanyisa Tabata
11 September 2009

Wola Nani Embrace a non governmental organisation celebrate it's 15th anniversary today.

The organisation was established in 1994 to help the bring relief to communities that have been hardest hit by HIV.

The organisation has initiated programmes in local communities like Khayelitsha, Gugulethu, Phillipi and Mfuleni to help those most vulnerable to HIV, namely women and children.

The celebrations will be attended by well known guest speaker Pieter Dirk Uys, who will be talking to children about sex.

“Each Wola Nani child will be given a ‘brick’ with something special written on it, they will use these to build a symbolism wall”.

“We are trying to celebrate life despite its difficulties, and also we are trying to teach children that they must enjoy life because they are still young,” said Wola Nani spokesperson Denise Van Dyk.

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