Monday, September 14, 2009

Two die in shooting incident in Phillipi East

By Ofentse Mokae
14 September 2009

Two people lost their lives this morning during a shooting incident at Somi Street, Symphony Way, Lower Cross Road in Philippi-East.

Police discovered the bodies of a 25 year old male and a 20 year old female, who is believed to be his girlfriend, fatally wounded in their shack.

In statement police say follow-up information on the scene indicates that the victims were allegedly shot by three unknown suspects, as the male was busy preparing for work.

“They demanded cash. After they couldn’t get it, they fired two shots at the victims,” the statement says.

They both died on the scene.

The suspects took a DVD Hi-Fi system.

One suspect was seen wearing a yellow jacket and a black balaclava, took a DVD Hi-Fi system. Police are investigating a murder case with no arrested yet. Anybody with information is requested to contact the Philippi-East Police stationon 021 370 1900.

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Shooting incident claimed the lives of two adults and left two children injured.

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