Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tokyo Sexwale and Buyelwa Sonjica respondents in the Makhaza toilet saga

Lusanda Bill
19 October 2010

Human Settlements Minister Tokyo Sexwale and Water and Environmental Affairs Minister Buyelwa Sonjica, have agreed to be respondents in the legal challenge over Cape Town's toilet saga.

Other respondents that have been chosen are the Western Cape provincial government, and the SA Human Rights Commission.

The toilets were erected by the city on the understanding that local residents would enclose them. As a disturbance, driven by the youth league, developed over the issue, the city enclosed them with corrugated iron.

Members of the league broke down the enclosures, and city workers then removed the toilets altogether.

The city and province have said they will rebuild the toilets and enclosures if the league gives an assurance the enclosures will not be broken down again.

Members of the African National Congress Youth League have asked the court to order that concrete toilets be erected where there were once open-air toilets at Makhaza in Khayelitsha.

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