Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Election Day Off To a Slow Start at Several Voting Stations in the Western Cape

The Western Cape IEC provided an update to the public during a media briefing on Wednesday morning regarding Election Day. Michael Hendrickse, Western Cape Provincial Head of the Electoral Commission of South Africa, took the lead in updating the media at the Century City Conference Centre.

Michael Hendrickse updates the public regarding Election Day in the Western Cape

Addressing the late opening of several voting stations, Hendrickse stated, “The majority of our voting stations opened at 7 o'clock this morning. There were some voting stations where there were delays, as IEC staff were late at arrival. From the reports we’ve received, at 7:45 all our stations were open.”

There were also issues with the Voter Management Devices (VMD) at some stations. Hendrickse reassured the public, saying, “Voting can continue without the VMD at the station as long as they use the hardcopy voters roll and the people voting are registered on the roll.”

The IEC has been notified that some stations are using only one ballot box instead of the required three. Hendrickse assured voters that this is not a problem, as the different ballots will be sorted afterwards.

Hendrickse also addressed issues reported during the special voting on Monday and Tuesday: “I want to take the opportunity to apologize to those who voted during the special voting period and did not receive the standard of service that they deserve, and we will continue to aspire to improve.”


Hendrickse reminded the public that no public meetings or gatherings are allowed today. He emphasized the importance of voting at the station where one is registered, noting that the law changed in 2021 to require prior application for voting at a different station. Voters will receive three ballot papers, and the stations are open from 7 AM to 9 PM. He stressed that voters must bring their IDs.

Done by: Veerle Kroon

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