Tuesday, September 01, 2009

City toughens up on illegal arum lily vendors

By Kim Saulse
1 September 2009

In a bid to protect the natural environment, the City of Cape Town will crack down on flower vendors selling arum lilies without permission.

The arum lily is an unprotected indigenous flower. The Western Cape Nature Conservation Act orders that people in possession of the flowers, must have a consent letter from landowners or a receipt from a registered flower seller to be able to sell the lilies.

City officials from the Departments of Environmental Resource Management and Safety and Security have been given the go ahead to issue fines to vendors contravening the Act.

Offenders will be fined R200 or face arrest. A maximum fine of
R10 000 can be issued if the vendors are found guilty.

People can report the illegal harvesting or sale of arum lilies to City Law Enforcement on 021 596 1400/1424.

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