Friday, April 16, 2010

38 year old rape suspect sought in Steenberg

By Nomava Nobumba
16 April 2010

A rape suspect is sought in Steenberg for allegedly raping a six year old girl in almost two years ago.

38 year old Samuel Zhou is allegedly raped the child in Muizenberg area on July, 05 2008.

Police’s Warrant Office November Filander says the accused was arrested the same day and appeared in court the following day.

“He was granted bail and warned to appear before court on the date he failed to attend court. A warrant for his arrest was issued,” said.

Filander says the suspect was previously residing at Dassie Street in Vrygrond, Muizenberg and working at a security company in Wynberg.

Anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of the suspects can contact the investigating officer Warrant Officer Henry Abrahams from the FCS unit on 082 522 1080 or 021 799 1315.

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