Sunday, December 28, 2008

IHRC condemns attacks by Israeli forces

By Cindy Witten
28 December 2008

Following the bombing of Gaza by Israeli forces, about 140 people are feared to have died while hundreds more were injured after Israel launched air strikes against Palestinian-controlled Gaza City.

According to media reports, Hamas security compounds were the target in retaliation for earlier attacks from Gaza on Israeli border towns. Some reports say that more than 30 missiles were launched.

The attack has raised concern at the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC). In an issued press release, Chair of the IHRC, Massoud Shadjareh is quoted as saying that the organisation condemns the attack.

“As people of the world watch this latest heinous act, we await swift and outright condemnation of these crimes and action from governments world-wide,” said Shadjareh.


Anonymous said...

Isn't "Islamic Human Rights" an oxymoron? Islam & Human Rights are mutially exclusive...

Anonymous said...

Maybe Anonymous should pick up a Qur'an and read before making stupid statements. Maybe he/she forgets the Crusades, the Holocaust...these were not committed by Islam.

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