Friday, March 07, 2008

Community information network.

By Ilhaam Hoosain
07 March 2008


There will be social and ballroom dancing every Friday at 8pm at the Atlantic Green Point Bowling Club next to Sea Point civic centre. Entry is R35. For details call Jenny on (021) 554 3400 or on 083 449 8000.

Clive Bruce and Jody Wayne will perform at the Bellville civic centre on Friday the 4 April from 7.30pm in aid of Adries Olivier Quadriplegic centre in Durbanville. For tickets, call Brenda Cullis on 021 528 7593 or 021 592 4607.

The South African Red Cross Society of the Western Cape is appealing for men’s clothing. Donations can be dropped off at Red Cross House, 21 Broad Road, Wynberg. For more details call Asia Safodien, Moeketsi Ntsane or Linda Fuku at 021 797 5360 (ext 138/124)

Friends of Central Library (Focal) holds a book sale at the library in the City Hall, Darling Street, Cape Town, every Saturday from 9am until 2pm. Donations will be accepted – especially fiction, non-fiction and text books. For more information phone Pauline on 073 343 6481.

From the 24-29 March, Lyrics, legs and laughter will be at the Baxter Theatre. The show features Jody Williams winner of 2007 idols as well as Shy and many more other artists. It’s a fun filled musical with song and dance. Tickets are R60. For more information contact 073 898 5154

If you have any information for the CIN team regarding events happening in you community, please feel free to contact us on 021 4485450 or fax us on 021 448 5451. Alternatively you can email us on

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