Tuesday, March 04, 2008

YCL Raises concern about road deaths

By Henry Booysen
04 March 2008

The Young Communist League of South Africa has raised its concern about road deaths, after 25 people were killed in horrific accidents in KwaZulu-Natal on Sunday.

Spokesperson for the YCL Castro Ngobese says that the league sends its condolences to the families and relatives of the victims, and urges government to enforce laws to ensure that those travelling on roads are safe.

“We as the Young Communist League are calling on government to enforce laws to ensure that people do not die on our roads because the majority of those people who died today (Sunday) are breadwinners in their families,” says Ngobese.

He elaborated further that due to the high cost of living in the country, the league is worried that the relatives of those who died in the accident won’t be able to provide for themselves and therefore government should ensure that roads are safe.

The incident in KwaZulu-Natal follows after a spate of accidents that has taken place across the country lately.

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