Friday, December 05, 2008

MySchool stationery donation project aids Ysterplaat Primary school

By Cindy Witten
05 December 2008

MySchool recently ran a donations drive to collect stationery for an under-resourced school in the City. After visiting the school, Ysterplaat Primary was identified as an underprivileged primary school where learners were found to be in desperate need of stationery.

The project received donations from various companies as well as individuals. Other primary schools also stepped in, donating boxes of stationery and basic school supplies that could be used by the less fortunate learners at Ysterplaat Primary.

MySchool’s Brand Manager, Helene Van Dyk says that the drive was a huge success.
“We set up quite a few collection points and we asked our supporters to basically open up their wallets and open their hearts to make donations. And the response was amazing,” said Van Dyk.


Anonymous said...

If you wish to assist other schools or projects like these visit MySchool's website -

Anonymous said...

I heard that this donation drive was actually for Ysterplaat Junior Primary School. They cater for Grade R to Grade 3, as opposed to a purely Primary school, which caters for up to Grade 7.

Well done to every one who made a donation! keep up the good work.

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