Friday, December 05, 2008

Suspect arrested for dealing in Cocaine

By Mandisi Tyulu
05 December 2008

Rondebosch Police arrested a 28 year old male on Tuesday at approximately 16:30 for Dealing in Cocaine.

Inspector Lynnon Sisan says, the arrest follows after information was gathered in the area that led to the obtaining of a Search warrant. The Search warrant was executed at a business premises in Main Road, Rondebosch.

“In the bathroom two bags of Cocaine were found on the warm water cylinder and five bags of Cocaine in the kitchen drain. The total weight of the confiscated Cocaine is 1, 3 kg with an estimated street value of about R1, 2 million” says Sisan

The suspect is expected to appear in the Wynberg Magistrate's court today.

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