Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Annual MDDA report released

Imogen Vollenhoven
09 October 2012
The annual report of the Government Communication and Information System and the Media Development and Diversity Agency was released in Parliament today.

The aim of this presentation is to allow all South Africans citizens to have access to different choices of a multi diverse array of media.

It also helps in building an environment of varied, exciting and original media that will allow growth and show the needs of all South Africans.

With a limited budget of approximately R201 million since 2004, the MDDA has supported more than 413 media projects, throughout South Africa.

Since its commencement at 31 March 2012 the agency has also trained approximately 1 764 people, provided 247 bursaries to different forms of media and has provided more than 310 job opportunities.

The Agency receives funding from Government through GCIS and other major commercial entities, such as broadcasts service licensees and print media owners and this is to allow and control full development of media and the effects these will have on different cultures and different race groups.

MDDA’s CEO Lumko Mtimde, further more explains that the agency has grown from a fund budget from R11 million in 2004/5 to a R53 million in 2011/2 and from supporting 74 projects to 413 projects.

Meeting these possible requirements was also highlighted and the role and purpose that GCIS and MDDA play.

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