Monday, April 14, 2014

NW Premier applauds positive response learners

Bulelani Guwa
14 April 2014

North West Premier Thandi Modise said she is encouraged by the positive response by learners and educators who have returned to school today. This is after a string of violent protest in Bloemhof which claimed the life of one person.

Modise said they will be following up on all issues which were raised during an engagement with the community over the weekend. 

Modise’s spokesperson Lesiba Kgwele  said Premier Modise is hopeful that all learners in the area will be in school by tomorrow after  provincial education authorities reported a 98% attendance.

“The recovery plan tailor made according to the learning and teaching times lost at each and every one of the over 45 schools should ensure that the province is on track to claim the top spot in the matric results at the end of the year. She said that anarchists who have hijacked genuine concerns of our communities in pursuit of their personal interests without regard for the future of our children and the rule of law should be isolated” Lesiba added.

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