Tuesday, April 22, 2014

R10 Million spent on VIP security instead of the poor

22 April 2014

The Democratic Alliance said it is unacceptable the allegations that the South African Social Security Agency has spent R10 million of public money on VIP protection for its Chief Executive Officer Virginia Petersen and the spokesperson of the Department of  Social Development Lumka Oliphant.

DA MP of Social Development Mike Waters said this is abuse of public money which could have been spent on helping the most vulnerable. 

Waters said we believe that the tendering regulations were flouted and that tender was awarded to unknown company to the value of R10 million rand.

We believe this is a slap in the face for the poor, who the Department of Social Development are actually suppose to benefit.

Waters said If this R10 million rand has been spent on child support grants for example we could’ve given over 2000 children a child's support grant for over a year and this would’ve been direct investment in the poor of our country as appose to wasteful expenditure for VIP security Waters added.

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