Saturday, May 24, 2008

City’s Disaster management centre upholds 24/7 vigilance as xenophobic violence spreads

By Ilhaam Hoosain
24 May 2008

Preparation by the City of Cape Town’s Disaster Management team paid off last night as xenophobic violence spread across the Peninsula.

“The Disaster Risk Management Centre developed a plan that delineates and defines the roles of various City departments in crisis situations such as the current violence,” said Wilfred Solomons-Johannes, spokesman for the Department.

“Although no forewarning information was received from state intelligence organisations, the evolving situation elsewhere in the country resulted in the City calling a meeting of all organisations and institutions involved on Wednesday, May 21.

“This enabled us to respond quickly when attacks on refugees started on Thursday and we will continue to monitor and evaluate the incidents and implement the necessary emergency response, recovery and rehabilitation processes.

“The SAPS has also set up a similar round the clock emergency centre and along with the Metro Police and the SANDF will adopt a zero tolerance response to those attacking refugees or depriving them of their possessions,” Solomons said.

Anyone who wishes to report incidents of xenophobic violence can do so by contacting 10111 or reporting such incidents at their local police stations. Any life-threatening emergencies can be reported to 107 or 021-480-7700.

Donations to the City’s Disaster Relief Fund can be made as follows:

Bank: ABSA
Name: City of Cape Town
Account number: 4056584569
Type of Account: Current Account
Branch code: 631609
Branch: Public Sector, Western Cape
Reference Number: 190100012

Members of the public who would like to contribute to disaster relief operations can contact any of the following NGOs that work closely with the City of Cape Town and the Provincial Government of the Western Cape: Social Development. Details are available on the City’s website at: and then clicking on Disaster Relief Partners.

The organisations certified by the City for this purpose are:
· HDI Support
· Mustadafin Foundation
· The Salvation Army (Western Cape Division)
· The South African Red Cross Society, Western Cape, South African National Zakah Fund (SANZAF)

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