Saturday, May 24, 2008

‘Drivers’ assisted by CCID to find employment

By Ilhaam Hoosain
24 May 2008

The Walking Bus, a partnership between the Provincial Department of Transport and Pubic Works and local NGO’s, closed recently leaving many people jobless.

Dean Ramjoomia, a field worker for the Central City Improvement District’s (CCID) Social Development department, immediately stepped in to assist in finding alternative employment for their ‘drivers.’

40 previously unemployed people were trained up to level C and D as security officers through the Walking Bus project. They would meet people at various points throughout the city and escort them safely to the Cape Town Station.

“This project met multiple objectives of providing employment and safety for commuters and produced well-trained, reliable men and women who we can recommend to potential employers,” says Dean Ramjoomia.

CCID has succeeded in securing alternative employment for ex-‘drivers’ in Central City hotels, local security companies and others have found employment at various companies.

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