Saturday, March 23, 2013

NSRI responded to a false alarm

Mluleki Mrwebi
23 March 2013

The National Sea Rescue Institute and the Wilderness volunteer sea rescue duty crew on Friday were activated following reports of a person suspected to have gone missing in the surf behind the breaker line on Wilderness Beach opposite The Dunes.

The NSRI and Wilderness volunteer sea rescue duty crew launched a sea rescue craft.

NSRI Spokesperson Craig Lambinon said on arrival on-scene we found a man walking along the beach and he confirmed that earlier he had been swimming beyond the breaker line. 

Lambinon further said he had then swum out further down the beach and it appears that the eye-witness had lost sight of the swimmer in the breakers while he was making his way to shore.

Lambinon added that this was a case of a false alarm with very good intentions but the eye-witness was absolutely correct to raise the alarm, based on the circumstances. 

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