Monday, March 25, 2013

TB treatment and guideline for correctional facilities

Imogen Vollenhoven
25 March 2013

Department of health launched TB treatment and guideline management for correctional facilities

The Department of Health and its partners have put together a guideline for the management of TB and HIV at correctional services facilities. 

Minister of Health Aaron Motsoaledi said all inmates should be screened for TB before entering correctional services. 

Motsoaledi donated state of the art GeneXpert machines to correctional facilities that can diagnose TB within a period of two hours. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Joe Maila explains that one of the things that appear to be very clear is the in the management of TB there needs to be a clear assessment and test of those people coming in.

“However there should also be screening taking place twice a year in order to determine who has TB and should then be treated as it can then be managed and can be cured as TB is curable,” said Maila.

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