Wednesday, July 10, 2013

ACDP in the WC call MEC and Provincial Police Commissioner to make streets safer

Athenkosi Mvane
10 July 2013

The African Christian Democratic Party in the Western Cape has called on MEC of Community Safety Dan Plato and Police Commissioner Arno Lamoer to make the streets in the province safer. 

ACDP Provincial Leader Ferlon Christians said it is not good enough that this alleged turf gang war is currently out of control and has been allowed to go on for as long as it has. 

Christians said the ACDP has called on many actions to take place, because they see that people are getting killed, he said he read on a newspaper that over a 3 day period 44 people were killed.

“We are asking the MEC and Arno Lamoer to get an indaba going; because the community knows what is going on in the streets.

“They need the input of the Community Policing Forums to make our streets safe again” Christians added.

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