Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Cabinet reshuffle raises questions

Mluleki Mrwebi
10 July 2013

The South African Democratic Teachers Union said it is disappointed at the non-removal from cabinet of the underperforming Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga. 

Sadtu said Motshekga has not effectively led the process of transformation, or of improving the quality of education. 

President Jacob Zuma on Tuesday reshuffled his cabinet, the fourth reshuffle since taking office. 

Sadtu Spokesperson Nomusi Cembi said Sadtu feels that the Minister should have been the first one to go, with all the problems that the Basic Education Department has faced and still facing under her leadership.

Meanwhile the Democratic Alliance said that the reshuffling should have been an opportunity for President Zuma to stamp out poor governance which has been the mainstay of his administration, and replace all poor performing Ministers with competent and dedicated individuals. 

DA Spokesperson in the Parliamentary Leader’s office Siviwe Gwarube questioned the removal of Tokyo Sexwale and leaving the Police Minister, Nathi Mthethwa, The Energy Minister as well as Minister Tina Joemat-Pettersen.

Gwarube added that the Minister of Communications Dina Pule`s removal was long overdue and it is highly welcomed.

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