Wednesday, September 05, 2007

ACDP slams SADC and President Thabo Mbeki

By Henry Booysen
05 September 2007

In parliament on Tuesday, the African Christian Democratic Party’s MP and whip Cheryllyn Dudley said that President Thabo Mbeki and the SADC are working against democratic elections in Zimbabwe.

Contrary to Presidents Mbeki’s insistence that Zimbabweans are confident that the talks are leading to free and fair elections – many are expressing grave concerns that the talks are changing nothing.

“The reason the ACDP are saying that SADC and President Thabo Mbeki appear to be working against democratic elections in Zimbabwe, is because they are adamant that the people of Zimbabwe is believing that the talks are leading to free and fair elections in Zimbabwe, when it appear to be that nothing is happening with the situation in Zimbabwe itself,” says the ACDP’s whip Cherylynn Dudley.

In both Tanzania and Lusaka, the importance of conditions for free and fair elections in Zimbabwe seems to havee escaped SADC altogether.

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