Thursday, November 04, 2010

Family tragedies in Cape Town

By Lelethu Mquqo
4 November 2010

A mother and her three-year-old son died in Cape Town train tracks last night.

Thirty-two-year-old Michelle Mafikeng and her son Ruben were hit by a train while walking near the railway line at the Klapmuts crossing.

At this stage, it is still clear why the mother and son were walking towards the tracks.

The tragedy happened near the same spot where 39-year-old Sorette Fourie was killed when her car was hit by a train last week.

Meanwhile, in Ottery two bodies of five- and seven-year-old brothers were found gassed to death.

The children’s bodies, along with their father’s, were found in the family car in their garage yesterday.

Police say the 44-year-old man is believed to have taken his and his children’s lives.

According to neighbours, the children’s mother died two years ago.

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