Monday, March 24, 2014

WCED Youth Focus Pilot Project yielding results

Lusanda Bill
24 March 2014

Western Cape Department of Education today said the Youth Focus Pilot Project which was launched last year is yielding good results. 

The project is aimed at Grade 9 learners who come from communities that experience socio and economic challenges and who have repeatedly failed. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Bronagh Casey said despite these challenges the learners have reengaged with education rather than dropping out of school.

Casey said the learners are now making the use of the opportunities that are on offer by the WCED which will in turn allow them the opportunity to access further education and training, career development and employment opportunities.

“Now because of this pilot project success the WCED will be funding 244 learners of that pilot approved for another year.  These learners have chosen occupational specific qualifications including whole, retail and chef position.  Then we are also going to be spending a further R28 million on this project for another group of learners in 2014” Casey added. 

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