Monday, June 25, 2007

Community Information Network

By Chanel September
25 June 2007

# Cape Town Child Welfare will have free arts and crafts training in candle and gel candle making, soap making, bath salt making, basket weaving, sewing and food gardening at its head office in Gatesville. The next courses will be held in the last two weeks of June and the fist two weeks of July. Call Maureen Skilder or Desree Uys on 021 638 3127 for details.

# Turfall Chesire Home for the physically disabled needs donations of clothing, bric-a-brac and furniture for its newly opened charity shop. For more information contact Ivan on 021 6921220 or 083 44774551.

#The Palm Tree House for Healing will host a two hour healing workshop on Wenesday June 27th Saturday June 30 and August the 9th. Call 021 706 4561 or 084 508 1208.

# The Khayelithsha Arts Project is calling all community theatre practitioners in Khayelthsha to the Masisebenze Artisits Symposium to be held at the Shawco center on Friday June 29th The symposium starting at 2pm. For more information contact Given Jikwana on 076 050 0618.

# The Pinelands Diabetic Support Group will have it’s next meeting on Wednesday June 27, from 6:30 pm to 8pm in the Pinelands library committee room. The guest speaker will be Margot McCumisky. Call Mala Makan on 021 532 2967 or 076 175 1044.

# Unemployed people 22 years and older can apply for Logra Community Skills Training Centre courses in basic plumbing, basic electrical work and welding. Each course costs R50. Interested people can apply from Mondays to Fridays between 9am and 12:30pm, with their South African ID book, at the Logra Office at the Lofob Building on the corner of First and Klip roads, Grassy park. Call the Logra office at 021 706 7161 for details.

If you have any information for the CIN team please feel free to send us an email to you can also contact us on 021 448 5450 or fax us on 021 448 5451 if you have missed any of the numbers mentioned.

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