Sunday, June 03, 2007

Three found guilty of homicide after death of homeless man

By Odette Ismail
03 June 2007

The three men who were charged with the murder of a homeless man are reportedly relieved to hear that the court has found them guilty off a less serious offence, culpable homicide.

Ruan Pieter Maritz, Dewald Herman Smith and Benjamin Garth Montague-Fryer pleaded guilty to culpable homicide in October 2005 in the Bellville Magistrates court.

The three who were then teenagers attacked Johannes Thomas, a homeless brick layer by kicking and beating him to death. This took place while he lay asleep next to friend Rosie Plaaitjies in the grounds of the Uitsig NGK in Ridgeworth in April three years ago.

A weekend paper reports that Prosecutor Zoelpha Carr rejected their plea and went ahead pressing a murder charge.

However magistrate JP Swanepoel says he found the three did not intend to kill, but injuries to his head caused the death therefore they were found guilty.

The case has been postponed to September 5 where sentencing will take place.

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