Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Public to comment on draft policy on gated developments

By Odette Ismail
13 June 2007

The City has released a Draft Land Use Management Policy on gated or Enclosed Developments for public comment.

The document contains details on how it wants to prevent the creation of exclusionary environments closed off from public places.

Councillor Owen Kinahan chairman of the multi-party, multi-portfolio working committee says the draft is aimed at balancing the safety of communities with binding areas together and improving the access of these areas.

“ In addition to serving as a guide to developers, it will provide City officials and decision-makers with a common reference framework in assessing and determining applications involving gated communities, as part of Council’s statutory development management function “, says Kinahan.

It will also be used to make decisions on proposals for new developments or conversions of areas to gated or enclosed areas.

Reports reveal that an applicant would require having evidence that other ways of settlement security was not working.

Kinahan has encouraged members of the public to comment on the draft policy. They can do this until July 13. It will also be included in the city’s 23 sub-council meetings for June. Interested organisations can also attend a public hearing on July 26.

The draft is available at municipal libraries, sub-council offices, district planning offices and the at

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