Friday, July 13, 2007

Community Infomation Network

By Anele Siwa
13 July 2007

# The Multipurpose-Talent Group presents judgement day on the 14th July 2007. The group will perform marimba, majaivana, traditional dance, drama and poetry. The venue is at the Sports Complex NY1 and NY2 at 12:00 till 17:00 in the afternoon. Tickets cost R5, 00. For more information contact Lotta Mayana at 072 175 9543 or 072 4458382.

# Free parent-infant intervention training is offered to women living in Nyanga, Guguleth, Site C and Town 2. Applicants must be parents with a matric certificate, 25 or older, keen to work with parents and infants and be able to attend training sessions on Thursdays. For details you can contact Venecia Barries
on 021 762 0116.

# The Simon van der Stel Foundation will be hosting a slide presentation by John Muir the event which makes up part of Cape Town’s Heritage starts on Saturday 14th July at 2:30 pm at the Huis der Nederlanden 4, Central Square in Pinelands. Tickets are available at R45 and for more information call Andrew Johnson at 021 788 7342.

# An introduction to sign language course, to teach hearing people how to communicate with the deaf, takes place at 16 Summerley Road in Kenilworth. The course starts on Monday 23 July from 7:30pm till 21:00 pm. Contact June on 021 683 3719 for details.

# The young morning stars singkoor will have a dinner by candle light on Saturday 14th July 2007 at half past seven in the evening at Glendale High School tickets cost R75 and for information contact M. Khan on 072656 4673.

If you have any information for the CIN team please free to send us an email to you can also contact us on 021 448 5450 or fax us on 021 448 5451 if you have missed any of the numbers mentioned.

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