Friday, April 24, 2015

Train service in Mbekweni suspended following violent protest

Lusanda Bill
24 April 2015

Metrorail in the Western Cape said its services at Mbekweni is still suspended as the train station has been destroyed following violent protest last night.

The train stations ticket office was burnt and roads barricaded with rubble and stones as residents are demanding electricity in their homes.

Metrorail’s Riana Scott said services remain suspended between DalJosafat and Wellington. So we urging people although the trains will operate between Cape Town and DalJosafat but between DalJosafat and Wellington there is no transport at the moment and there are not sufficient buses either.

“We are appealing to people to make their own way between DalJosafat and Wellington, from Wellington to Worcester trains are operating and from DalJosafat to Cape Town trains are operating” Scott added.  

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