Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Two suspects arrested in money scam in Khayelitsha

By Lelethu Mquqo
06 July 2010

Last night, 05 July 2010 a group of about 500 angry Khayelitsha residents gathered in front of the Khayelitsha Site B police station. The mob was protesting after two suspects, a husband and wife had been arrested by members of the SAPS Commercial Branch and Khayelitsha Police.

It is alleged that the couple operated a money-making scheme from their house in Khayelitsha. Police intervened after they interviewed persons standing in long queues in front of the mentioned residence in Bonga Drive, and complaining that large amounts of money was taken from them in return of a promised substantial growth in their investments.

The couple aged 42 and 47 years old will make a court appearance today, 07 July 2010 in the Khayelitsha Magistrates Court on a charge of fraud.

The case is still under investigation by the Western Cape Commercial Crime Branch. Anyone with further information about the case is kindly requested to inform the police immediately.

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