Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Police confiscate five million rands worth of perlemoen in two Table view raids

By Jurina Nkwazi
06 July 2010

On Monday Marine and Coastal Management and police officers raided two homes in Table View and seized poached perlemoen to the value of about five million rand.

Police officers kept two homes in North Ridge and Briza under observation when they spotted a bakkie leaving the North Ridge home.

Spokesperson Andre Traut said police stopped the driver just out of eyesight of the home and alerted officials observing the homes that the premises are indeed positive for poaching.

28 bags of perlemoen with an estimated street value of R750 000 at the North Ridge and about R4.5 million worth were found at the Briza street homes. Several deep freezers and perlemoen drying equipment was also found.

Police arrested two Chinese citizens and a South African. Traut said police would shift operations to Saldanha, where it is suspected the bakkie might have been headed.

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