Thursday, July 16, 2015

Prasa Group CEO Lucky Montana shown the door

Mbasa Gqokoma
16 July 2015

The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa has parted ways with CEO Lucky Montana with immediate effect.

In a statement the board said, we want to appeal to all of you to remain focused on your day to day functions and the responsibility that you have been entrusted with by the company.

It is imperative that we remain professional and committed to deliver on the broader mandate of this organisation.

Prasa’s Sipho Sithole said “we can confirm that the Board of Prasa today issued a statement stating that they have released Lucky Montana who is the Group CEO of Prasa from serving the rest of his notice period which was supposed to be until the 01 December 2015”.

He has been released from serving the notice with immediate effect, Sithole added.

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