Tuesday, July 14, 2015

SAFPS says identity theft has decreased by 19% this year

Mbasa Gqokoma
14 July 2015

According to the South African Fraud Prevention Services identity theft has decreased from 3 873 in 2013 to 2 334 in 2014 and a 19% drop this year.

Executive Director Carol McLoughlin said through the public awareness people are becoming a lot more cautious letting their personal information landing in the wrong hands.

McLoughlin said the attempts we have been making to inform the members of the public is that, the risk of allowing your identity or personal particulars to be shared with anybody.

People are becoming aware of how risky that is, so they aren’t as willing to now share information whether it be online or handing information over the counter.

They are becoming a lot more vigilant and taking extra precautions to ensure they are getting out information to reputable people or organisations who are entitled to have that information.

Meanwhile McLoughlin has also warned the public to be aware of where they share their personal information and misleading sms’s of winning money.

Figures show that identity theft cost the country over R1-million each year.

McLoughlin said, “People do get wood -winged by doing these types of scams because they get excited about the idea that they could be getting some money for nothing, so it’s worth the case of guarding towards falling for these tricks because they try every tricks in the book to get too excited or get too scared if you don’t click on the lick, something could happen to your account, it could be frozen or even closed, If you click on the link you going to get awarded some money.”

She added that “don’t fall for the scams because they are really trying hard to get hold of your personal information.”

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