Saturday, December 01, 2007

Portfolio Committee on health asks South Africans to stand together to fight HIV/Aids

Henry Booysen
1 December 2007

The Parliamentary Portfolio committee on health is calling on all South Africans to stand together against the fight of HIV/Aids. The Committee chairperson James Ngculu says that all South Africans should observe the significance of today world Aids day.

“It is important all of us hold hands together, we all become friends in the fight against the particular common enemy facing all of us,” says Ngculu.

He elaborated that there has been a small reduction in the number of HIV infections, but there is still a lot of work to be done by all departments and sectors of the South African society.

World Aids day is celebrated annually on the first of December and was established in 1988 by the World Health Organisation.

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God bless you all-


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