Saturday, March 25, 2006

The DA wants NIA’s mandate to be reigned in

Democratic Alliance spokesperson Paul Swart says prosecution should follow intelligence inspector general Zolile Ngcakani's report on the hoax ANC emails. The DA also wants the National Intelligence Agency’s mandate to be reined in. This follows Ngcakani’s finding that elements within the NIA intercepted voice communications of members of the public, including members of the opposition. In a statement issued Friday, Swart expressed concern at the threats to the constitution exposed by the report, and the manner in which the report itself was released to the public. Swart said this meant that DA leader Tony Leon, among others, was subject to illegal surveillance. According to Ngcakani's report the NIA, under leadership of the sacked Billy Masetlha, paid an agent to create false emails about a non-existent plot against former deputy president Jacob Zuma. It was also found that at least three civilians had been spied on, and that NIA staff were on the verge of spying on the DA leader when their plot was revealed.

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