Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Six arrested after police stabbing

By Tando Mfengwana
31 January 2007

Police arrested six men after two police officers were stabbed with broken bottles in Malibu Village, Kuils River on Saturday.

Two police officers responded to a complaint of intimidation at a house.

The police were refused entry into the house where there was a party.

An argument broke out and a group of men broke bottles and attacked the officers, wounding them in the arms.

The officers called for back-up and the six men were subsequently arrested on charges of assaulting police officers, resisting arrest and pointing a firearm.

The men were released on warning on Saturday.

They will appear at the Kleinvlei Magistrate court tomorrow.

Fire fighters workload to be become lighter

By Chanel September
31 January 2007

Dedicated fire fighters in the Western Cape can breathe a sigh of relief as their workload will become lighter.

Forty trained fire fighters and seven trainees are set to join the City’s fire fighting team next month. The department is also set to get a new fire engine in March.

The fire rescue service in the province have been experiencing a shortage of fire fighters, a lack of parity in salaries and ageing equipment.

The City’s Emergency Services Pat Adams told a daily newspaper that the city was hopeful about tackling the problems in the fire rescue service in the near future.

Despite the problems, fire fighters in the city were able to put out a number of fires across the peninsula in recent weeks.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Senior officer arrested for stealing SAPS arsenal

By Tando Mfengwana
30 January 2007

A senior police officer is scheduled to appear in court for the possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition.

The firearm was found in his home after an investigation into missing inventory at the Police Armoury in Pinelands.

A number of firearms and ammunition was discovered at Superintendent Labuschagne’s house that could not be accounted for at the registers.

A second suspect was also arrested. Three unlicensed firearms were confiscated at the home of Harold Larson.

Both suspects’ appeared in court on Thursday and are expected to appear again at the Athlone Magistrate's Court on 15th March.

Police said the second suspect is not one of their members. The investigation is ongoing.

Trial continues for the Norton family

By Tarryn Le Chat
30 January 2007

As the baby Jordan Leigh Norton trial resumed oyesterday, one of the alleged killers arrived at court in a bullet proof vest today.

Speculation is rife that the 17-year-old youth had received death threats while in prison. He was heavily guarded by several policemen and two vehicles heavily armed with correctional services staff.

Baby Jordan was murdered at her home on July 15 2005. The accused, Sipho Mfazwe, Mongezi Bobotyane, Zanethemba Gwada, the youth and the alleged mastermind Dina Rodrigues all plead not guilty.

There was much anticipation as the youth would deliver spectacular evidence yesterday. This was not the case though as the youth’s decision resulted in the case being postoned when he received new legal representation.

The state alleges that Rodrigues hired her co-accused to carry out the murder of the six-month infant. Jordan was the daughter of Rodrigues’ former lover, Neil Wilson.

The case has been postpone by Justice Basheer Waglay to February 12 to allow Emile de Villiers, newly-appointed legal counsel for Bobotyane, to peruse the court record.

De Villiers said he needed more time to go through the 3 000 pages of the court record and that he had been unable to so because of the Legal Aid Board who had appointed him last Thursday.

There were sighs of disappointment in the packed public gallery when Judge Waglay postponed the case.

Official suspended after failed Grade 11's allowed into matric

By Nadia Samie
30 January 2007

Western Cape Education MEC Cameron Dugmore has requested the temporary suspension today of Jan Odendaal, a department circuit manager following the revelation that 50 Grade 11 learners who had failed were allowed to continue to Grade 12.

The learners, from Wesbank High School in Delft, reacted angrily yesterday to the news that they had to repeat Grade 11, locking the school gates and disrupting learning for the schools 1000 pupils.

Dugmore explained the problem to learners outside the school, saying that the circuit manager had acted in an improper way, and that learners who were not ready were promoted.

Provincial education spokesperson Gert Witbooi says that Dugmore returned to the school this morning to asses the situation. He told learners that they would have to lodge individual appeals. Some of the pupils are receiving counselling after one of them tried to commit suicide upon hearing that she would have to repeat Grade 11.

Green Point residents drop court threat

By Chanel September
30 January 2007

The Green Point Common Association has decided not to take the city to court over its plans to build a World Cup Stadium on Green Point Common.

This ends months of speculation that Cape Town might not participate in the 2010 Soccer World Cup.

The decision was finalised in a caucus meeting over the weekend.According to a daily newspaper many Green Point residents opposed the plans which the city intended to impose.

Planning and Environmental Affairs MEC Tasneem Essop has recommended that a consultative forum be established and that all interested parties have the right to be part of the forum.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Man shot dead outside Cape Town club

By Chanel September
29 January 2007

A man's body, with a gunshot wound to the neck, was found in Bree Street, close to a popular nightclub, in central Cape Town early on Monday morning.

It is believed that the 28-year-old man was shot after a fight broke out between him and a group of men, all of whom had been patrons in the club earlier. He was found lying on the pavement after 4-o-clock this morning.

Police spokesperson Captain Elliot Sinyangana says the man was approached by four men while he stood outside on the street.

An argument broke out and one of the men later pulled out a gun and shot him in the neck. The four attackers fled in an orange Golf 4.

Police are still in the process of identifying the victim and informing his family. No arrests have been made yet.

Police are requesting anyone with information to contact them on their crime hotline 08600 10111.

Police searching for two missing men

By Tando Mfengwana
29 January 2007

Manenberg police are searching for two men, who went missing in separate incidents.

Mpiyakhe Gobodo (44) from Alexander Street, Tambo Village was last seen going to work as a fisherman in an unknown ship in Port Elizabeth, during December 2006. He is tall, slim, has a moustache and a black beard. He has a scar on his forehead.

Forty-two-year-old Stanley Andrews from Kasouga Way, Manenberg was last seen on Friday the 26th of this month. He was wearing a white sweater, black pants with a blue stripe and red and white takkies. Police spokesperson Constable Siphokazi Mawisa says that he is well built, about 1.6 metres tall, has a black beard and a moustache.

Anyone who knows of Gobodo or Andrews’ whereabouts can contact Inspector Willem Strauss at Manenberg police at 021 699 9400 or call Crime Stop at 08600 10 111.

Public's assistance needed with missing boy

By Nadia Samie
29 January 2007

A Mitchell’s Plain family are desperately searching for their son after he went missing last week. Twenty-one-year-old Jared De Stadler was last seen at about 11.30AM on Thursday, after he reported for work at Pride Pools in Sea Point.

After being dropped at the site he was to work at for the day, he reported feeling ill. He was taken back to the office in Sea Point, where he was given money to travel home to Mitchell’s Plain with public transport.

That was the last time Jarred was seen. His aunty, Christine De Stadler, says that Jarred is about 1.6m tall, he is slender, and has a moustache. Anyone with information regarding Jarred’s whereabouts is asked to contact Doreen on 082 614 2955 or Anthea on 083 438 1754 or Christine on 021 790 2351.

Skeletal remains found in Muizenberg

By Nadia Samie
29 January 2007

Police are still puzzled by human skeletal remains that were found in Muizenberg over the weekend. Two members of the public, who were collecting wood in the bush near to Baden Powell Drive on Saturday, found the remains and informed law enforcement officials.

“The skeletons are not clothed, although there are some pieces of clothes in the surrounding environment of the scene. It is not known how long the remains have been there, hence our crime scene experts need to be afforded sufficient time to conduct their investigation free from pressure,” said the police’s Captain Eliot Sinyangana.

Police have registered an inquest docket until such time that there is reason to change it to murder.

An appeal has been made to the community to come forward with information that could aid the investigation. Constable Merale Manuel of Muizenberg SAPS can be contacted on 021-7879014. Alternatively call Crime stop on 08600-10111.

'Eskom needs a change of mindset' - ID

By Nadia Samie
29 January 2007

South Africa’s power supplier, Eskom, has come under fire from opposition parties yet again, this time because of the wide variety of “contradictory comments” the parastatal has made as to the reasons behind the country’s power failures. The latest word from Eskom over the weekend was that the outages stem from consumers' increased summer demand for air conditioners.

Independent Democrats spokesperson on energy and environmental affairs, Lance Greyling, says Eskom’s "contradictory statements" over the past year as to the cause of the rolling blackouts shows a failure on two fronts.

“Firstly, Eskom has failed when it comes to any kind of planning, and secondly, it has failed to adopt any creative thinking whatsoever.

“From loose bolts to economic growth and now air conditioners, we have heard every excuse in the book from Eskom. As one of the biggest power utilities in the world, the parastatal is losing the opportunity to explore alternative technologies,” he said.

Greyling added that South Africa is a big contributor to the problem of global warming, and that creative thinking and pioneering work was needed from Eskom.

ANC meeting to discuss party divisions

By Odette Ismail
29 January 2007

The ANC’s extended provincial leaders discussed the political year ahead, as well as the differences between the party and the provincial government, in Arniston over the weekend.

Premier Ebrahim Rasool, members of his cabinet and Cosatu secretary Tony Ehrenreich were all present at the meeting.

Ehrenreich had recently been in the spotlight when he promoted land grabs in Hout Bay.

Also present was provincial executive member Chris Nissen. Rasool had publicly accused him of contributing to tensions within the party.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Stress has a strong impact on babies

By Odette Ismail
28 January 2007

Doctors claim that mothers who under stress while being pregnant can harm their babies’ brains.

A survey done in London reveals that children are more prone to being hyperactive and encounter attention problems. It also said that babies would have lower IQ levels.

According to reports stress hormones aggravated by anxiety seeps into the mother’s womb. The baby is at risk when the mother has constant arguments with the partner or is being abused.

Professor Vivette Glover of the Imperial College London research team says mothers are more under pressure now than in the past. This could be a contributing factor to the behaviour patterns in children.

Metrorail honour the lives of train accident victims

By Odette Ismail
28 December 2007

The South African Rail Commuter Corporation (SARCC) and Metrorail yesterday commemorated the lives of those lost in railway accidents.

The aim of the transport industry was to show South Africans that progress is being made in combating violence on trains.

Critics told reporters that it is an insult to everyone affected by crime and accidents on trains.The day started with a cleansing ceremony to remember those whose lives were claimed by rail accidents, as well as those affected by it.

Metrorail also announced its plans to renovate trains in order to provide a safe and accessible for commuters.

The SA Transport and Allied Workers Union (Satawu) says much more needs to be done. Evan Abrahamse of Satawu says that access to trains for criminals is much easier than for commuters, so much more needs to be done.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Brain operation might help smokers to quit

By Odette Ismail
27 January 2007

Research revealed that a brain operation could possibly cure anyone’s smoking addiction.

It has been discovered in an Iowa University study, exactly which part of the brain is linked to the urge to light up and smoke a cigarette.

Scientists found that damage to the part of the brain will eliminate a smoker’s cravings.

The area of the brain called the insula is linked highly with the addiction of smoking.

This study was done after someone smoked 40 cigarettes a day before his insula was damaged by a stroke. He quit after that and says that he did not have the urge to smoke.

Yengeni's 'special treatment' saga continues

By Tarryn Le Chat
27 January 2007

A storm is brewing in prisons over claims that Tony Yengeni continues to enjoy preferential treatment, even after his release under correctional supervision.

Warders say that the convicted fraudster has been given ‘phase four’ status for his correctional supervision instead of phase one or two status, which is usually prescribed for his type of offence.

A third allegation is that after Yengeni’s release from Malmesbury prison on January 16, warders from Cape Town commcor office were suddenly summoned to attend a meeting at Pollsmoor prison in Tokai the next day.

A phase four convict out on parole or correctional supervision would have fewer restrictions on his or her movements compared to those on phase one, two and three.

Friday, January 26, 2007

The provinces defence force to go on strike

By Tando Mfengwana
26 January 2007

The Defence Force Union will embark on strike action on Saturday against restrictions imposed on its members by the South African National Defence Force, to partake in strike action relating to labour issues.

Union Chairperson Mbulelo Mabala says that the reasons for the strike include member’s displeasure about government’s 2010 strategy for the defence force.

The union is demanding that government evaluates women's rights on the national defence force.

Mabala says that there will be no gender equity in the SANDF as long as female soldiers are dismissed when they are pregnant, especially members who are busy with military skills development.

They union will be calling for the reinstatement of members who were dismissed by military court marshals, that were declared unlawful by the High Court.

Mabala said that they demand the radical transformation of the SANDF, by giving competent black soldiers opportunities to fill management posts.

“It’s an open secret that the middle management of the SANDF is composed of whites, and that blacks are not given the opportunity, this might give the impression that black members have no capacity to be in a position of management.”

The strike will start this Saturday near the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town campus, formerly known as the Cape Technikon.

Tender processes in the spotlight

By Tarryn Le Chat
26 January 2007

Transparent and accessible policies mean tenders in the City of Cape Town can no longer be bought through connections.

Ian Neilson, mayoral committee member for finance, said that the value of tenders awarded to black economic empowerment companies or historically disadvantaged individuals increased by 10 percent from the first half of 2006 to 47 percent by the end of this year.

Mayor Helen Zille said that this is one of the most important things that have been said in council. Zille’s administration has been accused of not being interested in BEE.

The city finalized 68 tenders and bids in the last quarter of 2006, with a scheduled value of R554 million.

Twenty contracts were canceled because of expiry of validity periods and high bidding prices.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Man goes missing with 8-month old girl

By Tando Mfengwana
25 January 2007

An Atlantis man went missing with an eight-month old baby girl on the 13th of January.

Wenley Price, 28, was last seen at 19:45 with Luchandry Price in Atlantis.

Price is about 1.6 metres tall.

Police spokesperson Captain Elliot Sinyangana, said that there is not much information about the clothes he was wearing when he disappeared.

Anyone with information on his Whereabouts and the child is requested to contact detective Inspector Shawn Smith at 021 571 8500 or Crime Stop at 08600 10111.

Shack fire leaves 400 residents homeless

By Chanel September
25 January 2007

Approximately 100 shacks have been destroyed at Masiphumele, near Fish Hoek last night, leaving 400 residents homeless.

Fire and rescue services say seven vehicles and two helicopters were dispatched to extinguish the blaze. The cause for the blaze is still unknown, but authorities say strong south-easterly winds contributed to several fires in the area.

Cape Town Disaster Risk Management spokesperson Johan Minnie says that the community hall has provided residents with alternative accommodation.

He says meals and blankets have been provided by the Salvation Army.

Minnie says that residents will be registered and given building material by the City’s Human Settlement Programme.

Charges dropped against bomb hoax man

By Odette Ismail
25 January 2007

The charges against a man who joked about carrying a bomb on a Kulula flight out of Cape Town have been dropped in the Bellville Magistrates Court.

Barend Griffin , 26, was waiting to board a flight to Johannesburg when he claimed to have a bomb in a carton which contained a bathroom appliance.

Magistrate David Tonisi withdrew the charge against Griffin, brought under the Aviation Act, reports say.

Senior prosecutor Ronel de Jager said that staff checking his bag took it lightly and understood it was meant as a joke, because his baggage was loaded onto the flight and he boarded the plane too.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Public hearings on Tobacco regulations

By Tando Mfengwana
24 January 2007

Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Health is holding public hearings aimed at the Tobacco Products Control Amendment Bill.

The legislation aims to protect the public from second hand smoke and to help smokers quit.

The health department’s presentation to the committee said that tobacco was a leading preventable cause of death worldwide.

Government Information services BuaNews reported that smoking kills 4.9 million people annually, especially in developing countries like South Africa.

The presentation said that 60 percent of submissions in Groote Schuur Hospital were from tobacco related illnesses.

The Amendment Bill sates that if anyone is found smoking in public space they could be fined R500, companies will have to fork out R50 000.

The National Council Against Smoking welcomed the move.

They have urged Parliament to extend the scope of the Bill to close loopholes in the current anti-smoking laws.

But the Tobacco Institute has warned that over-regulation could harm the industry, saying that 24 000 jobs are at risk.

The anti-smoking legislation has seen a big drop in the number of smokers.

Missing boy found

By Odette Ismail
24 January 2007

The 7-year-old boy who went missing after his first day at a Gugulethu School has been found.

Luvuyo Sopaza got lost on his way home from Litha Lower Primary school last week. He was found wandering in the streets and was taken to social workers.

He was reported missing on Monday night and when social workers were alerted, the boy was returned to his family on Tuesday morning, the police’s spokesperson Bernadine Steyn said.

However, police are still looking for four-year-old Phelokazi Qebekwane, who has been reported missing since January 13.

She was playing outside with friends at the time of her disappearance. Her mother is offering a reward of R2000 for anyone with information to her child’s whereabouts.

Bambanani volunteers together with family members continue with the search for her.

Anyone with information should contact Langa Police at 021 695 8000 or Crime Stop at 0860010111.

Gang violence erupts in two Cape Town areas

By Tarryn Le Chat
24 January 2007

Gang violence has flared up in two parts of Cape Town, at a time when most young people are beginning their new school year.

Hanover Park has seen parents living in fear of their children’s well-being as they could be caught in the cross-fire of a territorial tik war between rival gangs, the Americans and the Laughing Boys.

Meanwhile three people — including an innocent 20-year-old youth — have been gunned down in Manenberg.

Three more people were seriously injured in two shootouts in the area during the day. In one of the incidents, residents claim that more than 80 shots rang out near Red River primary school.

A 20-year-old male has been arrested. Police spokesperson, Superintendent Billy Jones, confirmed that the arrest of the youth was linked to a suspected gang-related shooting.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Man kills reverend, wounds girlfriend

By Tando Mfengwana
23 January 2007

A man shot and killed a reverend and wounded his ex-girl friend before turning the gun on himself in Pokela Road, Ocean View on Monday.

The police’s investigation revealed that when he returned, he took out a firearm and opened fire at the group.

Reverend Zanikele Mokson, 65, from Masiphumelele was hit in the head and died on the scene.

Police spokesperson Inspector Bernadine Steyn said the suspect’s ex-girlfriend was hit in the neck, shoulder and back. She was taken to a nearby hospital where she is in a stable but serious condition.

Steyn said the suspect, Mvusi Dondollo, turned the gun on himself and subsequently died of the bullet wound to the mouth. The firearm was confiscated at the scene and it is not registered under anyone’s name.

The motive is still unknown and police are investigating. A case of murder and an inquest investigation has been opened.

Police and residents clamp down on crime

By Chanel September
23 January 2007

Police and residents across Cape Town have joined forces in the fight to combat drugs and the increase in gang fights.

The police have made a number of arrests in drug busts after tip-off’s were received from the public.

The strategy sees police moving into the space of drug lords on the Cape Flats who have been fighting for control. The rivalry is the result of police clamping down on gang strongholds, this is according to Community Safety MEC Leonard Ramatlekane.

He says the aim is to make sure that wherever there are drugs and gang wars, that police would close in on them.

Ramatlekane also thanked residents who gave information as this helped in combating crime in the province.

Smart bank cards launched to help combat fraud

By Odette Ismail
23 January 2007

South Africans can look forward to using microchip-embedded smart cards this year in a bid to combat fraud.

The aim is to nurture a cashless society, urging consumers to make low-fee debit card payments for small purchases.

South Africa is the first country outside Europe to launch the technology and among the second batch of countries to adopt the card.

The card, which will contain a microchip, will allow movie downloads and sports event tickets from the internet by 2010, according to a daily paper. Commuters will also use these cards to pay for public transport and buy items at a low cost.

However, the migration would cost the industry R2 billion says Herman Singh, South Africa’s director of architecture and technology for Standard bank.

He says a few thousand of the cards will be circulated by the end of the first quarter. Singh says, South Africa’s biggest four banks will have 8 million customers using this technology by 2008. Credit cards will be converted first, followed by cheque and debit cards.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Boy missing after first day at school

Staff Writer
22 January 2007

A seven-year old boy from Gugulethu went missing on his first day at school.

Luvuyo Sopaza was last seen walking home from the Litha lower Primary school in Gugulethu.

Gugulethu Police have not received a formal statement from the child’s family.

They tried in vain, to get contact with Luvuyo’s grandmother.

She is believed to know what he was wearing at the time of his disappearance.

'Superfan' search continues for Santos supporters

By Tarryn Le Chat
22 January 2007

Local soccer fans are in for a treat as the search continues for sport’s most loyal fans.

In a joint venture Engen and Santos Football Club is searching for the most passionate Engen Santos fans. The initiative will kick off when the ‘the people’s team’ meets Silver Stars at Athlone stadium on the 26 January.

The game focuses on enhancing and rewarding the passion of the fans with interactive experiences at selected Santos home games.

Spectators need to submit their ticket stub with their name written on the back on the night of the game at the Santos Supporters Club stand to stand in line to win a prize.

The prize includes VIP hospitality and a visit to the Santos Hospitality area where they will have the opportunity to rub shoulders with Engen Santos players and management.

The prize will be announced during the course of the game with a random draw of the first five winners who will compete at half-time for the honour of being crowned the first ever ‘Santos Superfan’.

Eight arrested in Valhalla Park

By Chanel September
22 January 2007

Police officials were praised for a successful raid in which eight Valhalla Park men were arrested.

The men were found in possession of 37 packets of tik, one loose kilogram of tik and two firearms. Police also seized 56 ecstasy tablets and ammunition.

Police spokesperson Billy Jones says that Friday’s raid came after they received a tip-off from the public that caused concern of gang activity in the area.

The eight men are to appear in the Bishop Lavis Magistrates Court on Monday.

ID says Shaik gets special treatment

By Tarryn Le Chat
22 January 2007

Independent Democrats MP, Avril Harding, has mentioned his disgust with convicted Shabir Shaik’s treatment, saying it’s a fast similar to Yengeni’s.

“Shaik has spent less than 20% of his 75 days in a cell, making this one of the most pleasurable jail term sin South African history”, said Harding.

Harding said that he wants the correctional services department ‘to conduct a full investigation into Shaik’s treatment’.

Harding believes Shaik needs to be protected from himself, which is why he was sent to prison.

“Any other prisoner would be sent to a normal prison hospital, so why the special treatment towards Shaik”, said Harding.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Suspect arrested in Malmesbury

By Tarryn Le Chat
21 January 2007

This morning a shooting incident occurred in the parking area of a church in Eastlake drive, Marina da Gama.

The 35-year-old victim and her two friends travelled together on their way to church. When they parked the vehicle in front of the church, they were allegedly approached by the victim’s previous husband. He grabbed the victim’s right arm and demanded to speak to her.

The suspect allegedly turned the firearm on himself, and wounded himself slightly on the side of his head.

He fled the scene in a white Toyota Corolla – registration number unknown – and is still at large.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

UCT student found not guilty after killing professor

By Tarryn Le Chat
20 January 2007

The post-graduate student who killed University of Cape Town maths professor Brian Hahn in his office with an umbrella last year was found not guilty of murder by mental illness yesterday.

Steve Tladi, 37, was declared unfit to stand trial. Wynberg magistrate, Jackie Redelinghuys said that Tladi would be detained in a psychiatric institution or hospital with such a facility, pending the decision of a judge in chambers.

Tladi was diagnosed as schizophrenic by three psychiatrists at the Wynberg Regional Court and was “certifiable in terms of the Mental Health Act”.

Badeeah Solomons., for Tladi, asked that he be held at a psychiatric institution in Limpopo, near his family.

Last February in court, Tladi, who had been a student of Hahn’s, said that he had had an argument with Hahn about documents the professor wanted, but which he refused to part with.

Zille proposes talks with AMP to rejoin coalition

By Tarryn Le Chat
20 January 2007

Executive mayor, Helen Zille, has held a meeting to try and restore the Democratic Alliance’s relation with the African Muslim Party.

This comes after the DA coalition was almost toppled when an AMP member, Badih Chaaban – without his party’s consent - apparently had talks with ANC members and smaller parties to offer to form a coalition to oust the DA.

AMP leader, Wasfie Hassiem , said that his party would ‘probably’ institute disciplinary proceedings against Chaaban at a later stage, but this still had to be discussed by the national executive committee.

Zille has stated that she could not restore the relationship with Chabaan and certainly could not offer him any position.

Hassiem has said that he cannot allow the DA to decide who will be in his party.

Zille had refused to be photographed with Chabaan, instead opted for a picture with Hassiem and his wife Nazley Bester.

Doctors get official pardon with registartion payments

By Tando Mfengwana
20 January 2007

The Health Professions Council has given an official pardon to doctors who have fallen behind with their annual registration payments.

The council ahs announced that it will waive penalties to doctors local and abroad, to help them get to work in South Africa.

An amnesty period will kick off on February first until the 30th of April.

Doctors who take advantage of this must work for 100 hours in the public health service, or a non-government health organisation.

Failing to do so within six months of their restoration, they will need to pay full restoration fees.

The council’s registrar, advocate Boyce Mkhize told the Cape Argus that this only applies to practitioners living locally and abroad, whose registration have lapsed and who have not practised for up to two years.

Amnesty for medics behind on registration fees

By Tando Mfengwana
20 January 2007

The Health Professions Council has given an official pardon to doctors who have fallen behind with their annual registration payments.

The council has announced that it will waive penalties to doctors local and abroad, to help them get to work in South Africa. The amnesty period will kick off on 1 February until 30 April 2007.

Doctors who take advantage of this must work for 100 hours in the public health service, or a non-government health organisation. Failing to do so within six months of their restoration, they will need to pay full restoration fees.

The council’s registrar, advocate Boyce Mkhize says that this only applies to practitioners living locally and abroad, whose registration has lapsed and who have not practised for up to two years.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Proteas sport black armbands in today's test

By Tando Mfengwana
19 January 2007

The Proteas are wearing black armbands in today’s test against Pakistan following the death of Proteas Team manager, Goolam Rajah’s younger brother.

Ahmed Rajah died this morning after a long battle with cancer.

Before retirement, Ahmed was the opening batsman and wicket keeper for Transvaal under the South African Cricket Board between 1981 and 1998.

He was Transvaal’s most capped player along with Neil Edwards and Yasin Begg, and served as captain for quite a number of times.

Ahmed is said to have been at his best, when he came up against the then champions Western Province.

Ahmed’s twin brother, Mohammed Rajah ten years ago also passed away under similar circumstances.

Squatters evicted from N7 bridge again

By Chanel September
19 January 2006

Squatters living close to the N7 bridge on Vanguard Drive have been evicted.

The eviction process, which started on Wednesday, saw angry residents clash with City officials and Metro Police as they began breaking down their homes. It is believed that a number of residents, who were housed in the Factreton community hall had left to return to the bridge.

Mayco member for Housing Dan Plato says that there is no way people will be allowed to move back due to the dangers associated with residents living under the bridge.

The N7 bridge was damaged by a fire that destroyed 70 shacks and claimed the lives of two men in October last year.

No more black outs predicted for the weekend

By Chanel September
19 January 2007

The nationwide power outages that South Africans were set to experience this weekend has been ruled out.

This comes after Eskom announced that the number of power units had come back online.

On Thursday much of the country was left without electricity after a fault on the Koeberg power plant.

A routine maintenance check at several power stations across the country was conducted.

Eskom spokesperson Jacob Maroga says that they would like to thank all customers for their efforts to reduce their electricity consumption.

More social grant beneficiaries

By Odette Ismail
19 January 2007

South African’s can look forward to a considerable increase in social grant beneficiaries, especially in child support and disability grants, says the Social Development Minister Zola Skweyiya.

The department has put out a discussion document for public comment on how to find ways to connect grants beneficiaries with poverty alleviation and economic activity.

Skweyiya told reporters that the increase of beneficiaries shows that awareness campaigns helped to boost the increase. However he says the challenge is to sustain the programme.

He says the poor and able-bodied still find it hard to find jobs in South Africa. He says it is for this reason that public participation is vital, in order to extend government initiatives to involve people in self-help programmes.

The first draft of the document can be found at

Cape Town’s new deputy mayor announced

By Nadia Samie
18 January 2007

The Independent Democrats (ID) has announced that Charlotte Williams, formerly the ID councilor for Mitchell’s Plain is the new deputy mayor of Cape Town.

Williams takes over the position from the African Christian Democratic Party’s (ACDP) Andrew Arnolds, who held the post for nine months. The ID gained the position, along with two other top city posts, when it joined the DA-led coalition on Wednesday.

The ID’s Cape Town caucus leader, Simon Grindrod, said that his party had joined the DA coalition to “save the government of the city”.

Amidst much speculation earlier in the week as to who would take the post, Williams remained the preferred candidate all along.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

No taxi strike planned in the Western Cape

By Chanel September
18 January 2007

Fears of a five day taxi strike have been calmed by the Western Cape Taxi Council.

The nationwide taxi strike was intended to oppose the government’s multi – billion rand recapitalisation programme.

Council spokesperson Mongezi Memani says that there was no taxi strike planned for the Western Cape.

He says that since reports of a strike surfaced their offices have been inundated with calls.

Memani says that commuters needn’t worry as operation will continue as normal.

The overall goal of the taxi recapitalisation programme is to replace the current ageing fleet that constitute the bulk of the taxi industry with new vehicles that are safe and reliable.

Truck drivers threaten to strike

By Tando Mfengwana
18 January 2007

The South African Transport and Allied Workers Union has threatened strike action should the demands of truck drivers not be met.

This follows failed talks between Satawu and the Road Freight sector at the Birchwood hotel east of Johannesburg last November.

In a statement the union says that the dispute is about truck drivers salary increase, allowances for extra long trips, such as international destinations as well as what the union calls normal working conditions.

The Road freight sector caters for Cash In Transit workers, Road Ferry trucks, furniture trucks and ordinary long distance truck drivers.


Two mini-bus taxi's collide in Salt River

By Nadia Samie
18 January 2007

Mid-morning traffic was brought to a standstill in Victoria Road, Salt River today after two mini-bus taxis collided at the corner of Dickens Street.

It appears as though one of the taxi’s (CA 822 467) was slowing on the side of the road to off-load passengers when the second taxi (CA 141 543) slammed into it at about 11AM.

Bystanders say they saw the driver of the taxi registered CA 141 543, that caused the accident, jump out of his vehicle and run down the road, where he was seen getting into another taxi headed towards the Cape Town CBD.

Metro ambulances and ER24 rescue personnel were on the scene shortly after the accident occurred to assist passengers. The driver of the first taxi had to be cut out of the vehicle by emergency workers, using Jaws of Life, as a fire engine truck blocked the road off to traffic.

Anyone who may know the whereabouts of the driver of the white mini-bus taxi, registration number CA 141 543, is asked to contact Crime-Stop on 08600 10111.


Approximate areas and times affected for possible load shedding:
(source: Eskom)

06:00 – 08:30
City of Cape Town supply areas
Avonstil Part 2, Belgravia Part 1, Bellair, Bellville Ext. 22 & 38, Belmont Park, Belrail Part 1, Bloekombos, Blommendal Part 1 & 2, Blomtuin, Bonnie Brae, Bonnie Brook, Boston Part 2, Cape Farms Part 8, Chrismar Part 2 & 3, Danie Uys Park, De La Haye Part 2, De Villier's Part 2, East Rock Part 1, Eikendal, Eskom, Glen Ive, Groenvallei, H Monument Park, Hillrise, Joostenberg, Kaymor Part 2, Kempenville Part 1, Kingston, Klein Begin, Kraaifontein Ext.17, Kraaifontein Industry, Kraaifontein Part 1, La Rochelle, Langeberg Glen, Langeberg Ridge, Loumar, Oak Glen, Oakdale(1) Part 1, Oakdale(2) Part 1 & 2, Peerless Park East & North, Sanlamhof, Scottsdene, Scottsville, Shirley Park, Sonstraal Heights Part 2, Stellenridge, Stikland Hospital Part 1 & 2, Summerville, Sunkist, Sunray, Uitsig, Van Der Merwe Park, Vosfontein, Vredenburg, Wallacedene, Winsor Estate, Zoo Park Part 1.

Eskom supply areas within the Province
Aurora, Barandas, Bitterfontein, Calitzdorp, Citrusdal, Clanwilliam, De Rust, De Zalze, Doringbaai, Dysseldorp and Farmers, Eendekuil, Elandsbaai, Firgrove, Franschhoek, Graafwater, Gydo , Haarlem, Het Kruis, Jamestown, Kapteinskloof, Klapmuts, Klawer, Krantzkop, La Motte, Lamberts Bay, Leeurivier Farmers, Leipoldtville, Lutzville, Lynedoch, Meiringspoort, Misgund, Misverstand Water Affairs, Muldersvlei Farmers, Namakwa Sans, Nieuwoudtville, Noordhoek, Nuwerus, Op die Berg, Outeniqua Farmers, Porterville, Prince Alfred Hamlet, Redelinghuys, Riet, Roberts valley, Slagboom Farmers, Soetendal Farmers, Stellenbosch University and Farmers, Stellenbosch Municipality, Strandfontein, Uniondale, Van Rhynsdorp, Vredendal, Wemmershoek Farmers, Willowmore, Witzenberg Farmers, Zandberg Farmers.

Eskom supply areas within the City of Cape Town
Avonwood, Bishop Lavis (part), Bloekombos, Botfontein Road farms, Brentwood Park, Broadlands, County Fair, Cravenby, Croydon, Delft, Doringwater, Elsiesriver (part), Elsiesrivier, Faure, Firlands area, Forest Heights, Gamsberg, Groenbank, Hagley, Helderberg Industrial Park, Henkries, Hillcrest, Khayelithsa (part), Khayelitsha Traction, Lourensford Estate, Lwandle, Macassar, Malibu Village, Matroosfontein, Mfuleni (Municipality), Midway, Nomzano, North Pine, Pelladrift, Ruyterwacht, Scottsdene, Silversands, Sir Lowry's Pass Village and surrounding farmers, Somchem, Somerset West Business Park, Tuscany Glen, Uitsig, Vergelegen, Wallacedene.

08:00 – 10:30
City of Cape Town supply areas
Bakoven, Brooklyn, Camps Bay, Clifton Part 1, Foreshore Part 2, Maitland Part 4, Maitland Village Garden, Mowbray Part 1, Ndabeni Part 3, Observatory Part 1 & 2, Paarden Eiland, Rugby, Salt River Part 2, Woodstock Part 3, Ysterplaat.

Eskom supply areas within the Province
Albertinia, Arabella, Beaufort West, Betty's Bay, Blanco Farmers, Botrivier, Breërivier Farmers, Buffelspoort , Caledon, Carolusberg, Chavonnes, De Doorns, Droërivier Farmers, Duinzicht, Garies, Genadendal, Gouritsmond, Greyton, Helderstroom, Herbertsdale, Houhoek Farmers, Jagersbos, Jongensfontein, Kamieskroon, Klaarstroom, Kleinmond, Kwadousberg, Kylemore, Ladismith, Laingsburg, Leeugamka, Mossel Bay OCGT, Nababeep, Nelspoort, OCC, Okiep, Osplaas Farmers, Mossel Bay (part), Paternoster, Pniel, Pringle Bay, Rietbron, Riversdale, Roggeveld, Rooi Els, Sandhills, Springbok, St Helena Bay, Stilbaai, Stompneus, Sutherland, Swartberg Farmers, Vanwyksdorp, Velddrift, Vleesbaai, Vredenburg, Vyeboom , Theewater Farmers, Worcester, Zoar.

Eskom supply areas within the City of Cape Town
AECI site, Atlantic Beach Estate, Atlas Park, Big Bay, Bloubergstrand, Bothasig, Contermanskloof (part), Du Noon, Killarney Industria (part), Melkbos Pump Station, Melkbosstrand, Paardevlei area, Parklands.

10:00 – 12:30
City of Cape Town supply areas
Century City Part 2, Epping Industrial Part 1, Gatesville Part 1, Guguletu Part 2, Heideveld Part 2, Joe Slovo Park, Langa Part 2, Mannenberg Part 2, Marconi Beam Part 2, Milnerton Ext.6, Milnerton Ridge, Montague Gardens Industrial, Newfields Part 2, Phoenix Part 2, Rylands/Doornhoogte Part 1, Sanddrift Part 2, Summer Greens, Surrey Part 1 & 2, Table View Part 1.

Eskom supply areas within the Province
Agulhas, Amcor Farmers, Arniston (Waenhuiskrans), Bossieveld, Bredasdorp, Broodkraal, Calvinia, Cloetesville, Club Mykonos, Darling, De Dam, De Hoek Farmers, De Kelders, Doringrivier, Elgin, Elgin Station, Elim, Fisherhaven, Franskraalstrand, Gansbaai, Goudini Spa, Grabouw, Grabouw Commercial, Groot Brak, Hammanshof Farmers, Hawston, Heidelberg, Hermanus, Hex Farmers, Hopefield, Houwteq, Hugo Farmers, Infanta, Karatara, Kayamandi, Keurboomstrand, Klein Brak, Klipdale, Knysna, Koelenhof Farmers, Kranshoek, Kromco Farmers, Kurland, Langebaan, Langefontein, Loeriesfontein, Malmesbury Municipality and Farmers, Molteno, Moorreesburg, Mossel Bay - Voorbaai, Moutonsdrift, Nabo Farmers , Napier, Nature's Valley, Nuy, Onrusrivier, OTC Pearly Beach, Piketberg, Plettenberg Bay, Protem, Rawsonville, Rheenendal, Riviersonderend, Robberg, Saldanha, Sapco, Sedgefield, Scherpenheuwel, Stanford, Starking and , Stormsvlei, Struisbaai, Swellendam, Touwsrivier, Tulbagh, Two a Day, Vermont, Viljoenshoop Road, Villiersdorp, Withoogte, Wittedrift, Wolseley and Farmers, Woodville, Yzerfontein.

Eskom supply areas within the City of Cape Town
Agter Paarl, Blackheath Industrial, Chatsworth, Crossroads, Fisantekraal, Gaylee, Joostenbergvlakte, Kalbaskraal, Khayelitsha (part), Khayelitsha Site C, Kleinvlei (part), Klipheuwel, Luzuku Park, Mandalay, Morning Star, Nyanga (part), Perdeberg Farmers, Philadelphia, Philippi, Philippi East, Philippi Industrial, Riverlands, Saxenburg Industria.

12:00 - 14:30
City of Cape Town supply areas
Century City Part 1 & 4, Factreton, Goodwood Sports Ground, Kensington, Maitland Part 2 & 3, Ndabeni Part 2, Wingfield.

Eskom supply areas within the Province
Aurora, Barandas, Bitterfontein, Calitzdorp, Citrusdal, Clanwilliam, De Rust, De Zalze, Doringbaai, Dysseldorp and Farmers, Eendekuil, Elandsbaai, Firgrove, Franschhoek, Graafwater, Gydo , Haarlem, Het Kruis, Jamestown, Kapteinskloof, Klapmuts, Klawer, Krantzkop, La Motte, Lamberts Bay, Leeurivier Farmers , Leipoldtville, Lutzville, Lynedoch, Meiringspoort, Misgund, Misverstand Water Affairs, Muldersvlei Farmers, Namakwa Sans, Nieuwoudtville, Noordhoek, Nuwerus, Op die Berg, Outeniqua Farmers, Porterville, Prince Alfred Hamlet, Redelinghuys, Riet, Roberts valley, Slagboom Farmers, Soetendal Farmers, Stellenboshc University, Stellenbosch Municipality and Farmers, Strandfontein, Uniondale, Van Rhynsdorp, Vredendal, Wemmershoek Farmers, Willowmore, Witzenberg Farmers, Zandberg Farmers.

Eskom supply areas within the City of Cape Town
Avonwood, Bishop Lavis (Part), Bloekombos, Botfontein Road farms, Brentwood Park, Broadlands, County Fair, Cravenby, Croydon, Delft, Doringwater, Elsiesriver(part), Elsiesrivier, Faure, Firlands area, Forest Heights, Gamsberg, Groenbank, Hagley, Helderberg Industrial Park, Henkries, Hillcrest, Khayelithsa (part), Khayelitsha Traction, Lourensford Estate, Lwandle, Macassar, Malibu Village, Matroosfontein, Mfuleni (Municipality), Midway, Nomzano, North Pine, Pelladrift, Ruyterwacht, Scottsdene, Silversands, Sir Lowry's Pass Village and surrounding farmers, Somchem, Somerset West Business Park, Tuscany Glen, Uitsig, Vergelegen, Wallacedene.

14:00 – 16:30
City of Cape Town supply areas
Airlie, Bantry Bay, Belle Constantia Part 2, Bergvliet Part 2, Clifton Part 2, Clunie, Coniston Park, Dennendal Part 1, Dieprivier Part 1, Dreyersdal Part 1, Elfindale Part 2, Firgrove Part 2, Fresnaye, Frogmore Estate, Grassy Park Part 1, Hanover Park Part 2, Heathfield Part 2, Huis-In-Bos, Hope Of Constantia, Kirstenhof (1) Part 2, Klein Constantia, Klein Wassenaar, Lakeside, Lansdowne Part 1 & 2, Lavender Hill Part 2, Lotus River Part 3, Marina Da Gama Part 2, Meadowridge, Muizenberg North, Newfields Part 1, Nova Constantia, Pelican Park(2) Part 1, Phumlani, Plumstead Part 1, Primrose Park, Punts Estate, Retreat Industrial Area Part 4, Retreat Part 3, Sand Industria Part 2, Schaap Kraal Part 3, Sea Point Part 1, Sea Winds Part 2, Sheraton Park, Southfield Part 2, Steenberg Part 2, Sweet Valley.

Eskom supply areas within the Province
Albertinia, Arabella, Beaufort West, Betty's Bay, Blanco Farmers, Botrivier, Breërivier Farmers, Buffelspoort , Caledon, Carolusberg, Chavonnes, De Doorns, Droërivier Farmers, Duinzicht, Garies, Genadendal, Gouritsmond, Greyton, Helderstroom, Herbertsdale, Houhoek Farmers, Jagersbos, Jongensfontein, Kamieskroon, Klaarstroom, Kleinmond, Kwadousberg , Kylemore, Ladismith, Laingsburg, Leeugamka, Mossel Bay (part), Mossel Bay OCGT, Nababeep, Nelspoort, OCC, Okiep, Osplaas Farmers, Paternoster, Pniel, Pringle Bay, Rietbron, Riversdale, Roggeveld, Rooi Els, Sandhills, Springbok, St Helena Bay, Stilbaai, Stompneus, Sutherland, Swartberg Farmers, Theewater Farmers, Vanwyksdorp, Velddrift, Vleesbaai, Vredenburg, Vyeboom , Worcester, Zoar.

Eskom supply areas within the City of Cape Town
AECI site, Atlantic Beach Estate, Atlas Park, Big Bay, Bloubergstrand, Bothasig, Contermanskloof (part), Du Noon, Killarney Industria (part), Melkbos Pump Station, Melkbosstrand, Paardevlei area, Parklands.

16:00 - 18:30
City of Cape Town supply areas
Altydgedacht, Athlone Part 2, Beacon Valley Part 2 & 3, Belgravia Vygekraal Part 1, Bellville Ext. 20 Part 1 & 2, Bellville Ext. 36 Part 2, Bellville Ext. 43 Part 1 & 2, Bellville Ext. 53, Belthorn Estate, Bloemhof, Browns Farm Part 1 & 3, Cape Farms Part 9, Claremont Part 1, Crawford, Crossroads, Danena, Door De Kraal, Eastridge Part 1, Eversdal Ext.4 Part 2, Gatesville Part 2, Guguletu Part 1 & 3, Highlands Estate, Hoheizen Part 1 & 2, Kenridge Ext. 3 & 4, Kristo Pienaar Environmental Education Centre, Lansdowne Part 4, Lentegeur Part 1 & 3, Loevenstein, Mandalay, Mannenberg Part 1, Mitchells Plain Centre, Nieuw Maastrecht, Nyanga, Oakdale(1) Part 2, O'kennedyville, Oude Westhof, Penlyn Estate, Pinati, Proteavallei, Ridgeworth, Rosendal Part 1, Rylands/Doornhoogte Part 2, Sand Industria Part 1, Tafelsig Part 1, Tygerberg, Tygerberg (Satellite Campus), Welgedacht/Springfield, Welgemoed, Wolfgat.

Eskom supply areas within the Province
Agulhas, Amcor Farmers, Arniston (Waenhuiskrans), Bossieveld, Bredasdorp, Broodkraal, Calvinia, Cloetesville, Club Mykonos, Darling, De Dam, De Hoek Farmers, De Kelders, Doringrivier, Elgin, Elgin Station, Elim, Fisherhaven, Franskraalstrand, Gansbaai, Goudini Spa, Grabouw, Grabouw Commercial, Groot Brak, Hammanshof Farmers, Hawston, Heidelberg, Hermanus, Hex Farmers, Hopefield, Houwteq, Hugo Farmers, Infanta, Karatara, Kayamandi, Keurboomstrand, Klein Brak, Klipdale, Knysna, Koelenhof Farmers, Kranshoek, Kromco Farmers, Kurland, Langebaan, Langefontein, Loeriesfontein, Malmesbury Municipality and Farmers, Molteno, Moorreesburg, Mossel Bay-Voorbaai, Moutonsdrift, Nabo Farmers , Napier, Nature's Valley, Nuy, Onrusrivier, OTC, Pearly Beach, Piketberg, Plettenberg Bay, Protem, Rawsonville, Rheenendal, Riviersonderend, Robberg, Saldanha, Sapco, Sedgefield, Scherpenheuwel, Stanford, Starking , Stormsvlei, Struisbaai, Swellendam, Touwsrivier, Tulbagh, Two a Day, Vermont, Viljoenshoop Road, Villiersdorp, Withoogte, Wittedrift, Wolseley and Farmers, Woodville, Yzerfontein.

Eskom supply areas within the City of Cape Town
Agter Paarl, Blackheath Industrial, Chatsworth, Crossroads, Fisantekraal, Gaylee, Joostenbergvlakte, Kalbaskraal, Khayelitsha (part), Khayelitsha Site C, Kleinvlei (part), Klipheuwel, Luzuku Park, Mandalay, Morning Star, Nyanga (part), Perdeberg Farmers, Philadelphia, Philippi, Philippi East, Philippi Industrial, Riverlands, Saxenburg Industria.

18:00 - 20:30
City of Cape Town supply areas
Cape Town Central Part 1 & 2, Casablanca, Die Bos, Foreshore Part 8, Gardens Part 1 & 2, Goede Hoop, Greenways, Guldenland, Gustrow, Harmony Park, Helderberg Park, Jonkershoek State Forest, Kleinbos, Langgewacht, Lochnerhof, Longlands, Lusthof, Lwandle, Macassar Beach Part 2 & 3, Nomzano, Nutwood, Oranjezicht, Rome, Rome Glen Part 2, Rusthof(1) & (2), Schotschekloof, Somerset Park, Somerset West Part 2, Southfork, Strand Golf Estate, Strand Halt, Strand Part 1, Strandvale, Table Mountain Reserve Part 1, Tamboerskloof, Tarentaalplaas, The Palms, Uitkyk, Van Ryneveld, Vredehoek Part 1, Winston Estate, Woodstock Part 2, Zonnebloem (District Six) Part 4.

Eskom supply areas within the Province
Aurora, Barandas, Bitterfontein, Calitzdorp, Citrusdal, Clanwilliam, De Rust, De Zalze, Doringbaai, Dysseldorp and Farmers, Eendekuil, Elandsbaai, Firgrove, Franschhoek, Graafwater, Gydo , Haarlem, Het Kruis, Jamestown, Kapteinskloof, Klapmuts, Klawer, Krantzkop, La Motte, Lamberts Bay, Leeurivier Farmers , Leipoldtville, Lutzville, Lynedoch, Meiringspoort, Misgund, Misverstand Water Affairs, Muldersvlei Farmers, Namakwa Sans, Nieuwoudtville, Noordhoek, Nuwerus, Op die Berg, Outeniqua Farmers, Porterville, Prince Alfred Hamlet, Redelinghuys, Riet, Roberts valley, Slagboom Farmers, Soetendal Farmers, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch Municipality and Farmers, Strandfontein, Uniondale, Van Rhynsdorp, Vredendal, Wemmershoek Farmers, Willowmore, Witzenberg Farmers, Zandberg Farmers.

Eskom supply areas within the City of Cape Town
Bloekombos, Botfontein Road farms, Brentwood Park, Broadlands, County Fair, Croydon, Delft, Doringwater, Elsiesriver (part), Faure, Firlands area, Forest Heights, Gamsberg, Groenbank, Hagley, Helderberg Industrial Park, Henkries, Hillcrest, Lourensford Estate, Lwandle, Macassar, Malibu Village, Mfuleni (Municipality), Midway, Nomzano, North Pine, Pelladrift, Ruyterwacht, Scottsdene, Silversands, Sir Lowry's Pass Village and surrounding farmers, Somchem, Somerset West Business Park, Tuscany Glen, Vergelegen, Wallacedene.

20:00 - 22:30
City of Cape Town supply areas
Amanda Glen, Beacon Valley Part 1, Bellville Ext. 36 Part 1, Bellville Ext. 4, Bergsig, Bethanie, Brick A Clay Blv Ext. 41, Browns Farm Part 2, Cape Farms Part 1, Chantecler, Colorado, Die Wingerd, Durbanville Ext. 37, Durbanville Hills, Durbanville Part 1 & 3, Durbell, East Rock Part 2, Eastridge Part 2, Eversdal, Eversdal Ext.1 & 21, Eversdal Ext.4 Part 1, Eversdal Heights, Goedemoed Part 1, Goodwood Estate Part 1, Kenever, Kenridge, Kenridge Heights, Langeberg Village, Lentegeur Part 2, Mitchells Plain Part 1 & 2, Monte Vista, Morningstar, N1 City Part 1, Philippi, Philippi East, Plattekloof Glen, Portlands Part 1, 2 & 3, Richmond Estate, Rocklands Part 1 & 2, Rosendal Part 2, Schaap Kraal Part 1, Silverstream, Sonstraal Heights Part 3 & 4, Sonstraal Part 1 & 2, Stellenberg, Stellenryk, Strandfontein Part 2 & 3, Tafelsig Part 2, Tygerdal Part 2, Valmary Park, Vasco Estate, Village 2b - Khayelitsha, Vygeboom, Welgelegen Part 2, Wellway Park East, Weltevreden Valley Part 1 & 2, Woodlands - Mitchells Plain Part 1 & 2.

Eskom supply areas within the Province
Albertinia, Arabella, Beaufort West, Betty's Bay, Blanco Farmers, Botrivier, Breërivier Farmers, Buffelspoort , Caledon, Carolusberg, Chavonnes, De Doorns, Droërivier Farmers, Duinzicht, Garies, Genadendal, Gouritsmond, Greyton, Helderstroom, Herbertsdale, Houhoek Farmers, Jagersbos, Jongensfontein, Kamieskroon, Klaarstroom, Kleinmond, Kwadousberg , Kylemore, Ladismith, Laingsburg, Leeugamka, Mossel Bay (part), Mossel Bay OCGT, Nababeep, Nelspoort, OCC, Okiep, Osplaas Farmers, Paternoster, Pniel, Pringle Bay, Rietbron, Riversdale, Roggeveld, Rooi Els, Sandhills, Springbok, St Helena Bay, Stilbaai, Stompneus, Sutherland, Swartberg Farmers, Theewater Farmers, Vanwyksdorp, Velddrift, Vleesbaai, Vredenburg, Vyeboom , Worcester, Zoar.

Eskom supply areas within the City of Cape Town

AECI site, Atlantic Beach Estate, Atlas Park, Big Bay, Bloubergstrand, Bothasig, Contermanskloof (part), Du Noon, Killarney Industria (part), Melkbos Pump Station, Melkbosstrand, Paardevlei area, Parklands.

22:00 – 00:30
Eskom supply areas within the Province
Amcor Farmers, Bossieveld, Club Mykonos, Darling, Doringrivier, Elgin, Elgin Station, Goudini Spa, Grabouw, Grabouw Commercial, Groot Brak, Hammanshof Farmers, Hex Farmers, Hopefield, Houwteq, Karatara, Keurboomstrand, Klein Brak, Knysna, Kranshoek, Kromco Farmers, Kurland, Langebaan, Langefontein, Molteno, Mossel Bay-Voorbaai, Nabo Farmers , Nature's Valley, Nuy, Plettenberg Bay, Rawsonville, Rheenendal, Robberg, Sedgefield, Scherpenheuwel, Starking and , Two a Day, Viljoenshoop Pad, Villiersdorp, Wittedrift, Woodville, Yzerfontein.

South Africa braces for more blackouts

By Nadia Samie
18 January 2006

Residents in certain parts of the country woke up in darkness and motorists had to contend with traffic lights down this morning, as the country braces itself for yet another period of inconveniencing and unannounced power cuts — set to last until the end of the week.

Residents countrywide are currently experiencing loadshedding after an automatic and controlled shutdown of Koeberg’s Unit One at 2-o-clock this morning, as a result of a turbine trip.

Eskom spokesperson Moses Mamba says that because of the shutdown, power demand has exceeded supply. He says that the demand is currently 3000 megawatts higher than expected for this period.

"Eskom is using all pre-arranged emergency options, however this will not be sufficient to address the shortfall of electricity for today and possibly for the coming week.

"In order to maintain the balance between demand and supply, mandatory load shedding will be implemented countrywide, as and when required," an Eskom statement reads.

Residents should brace themselves for yet another series of rolling blackouts, as the situation remains critical. People are urged to switch off non-essential items such as air-conditioning, pool-pumps and geysers.

For more information:

  • Customers can call the Eskom Contact Centre on 086 003 7566.
  • Customers of the City of Cape Town should contact the City’s Call Centre regarding load shedding information on 0860 125 008.
  • Fault reporting for City of Cape Town customers is at 0860 125 001/2/3/4/5/6.
  • City of Cape Town customers who are uncertain in which part of an area they reside in should contact the City of Cape Town on 0860 125 008.
  • Information should also be available on the following websites and

Richard Ishmail remembered

By Odette Ishmail
18 January 2007

Slain former Big Issue boss and former owner of Off Morocco, Richard Ishmail had his life commemorated at a Memorial Service held last night in the Ashley Kriel Hall at Community House in Salt River.

The service was preluded by quiet music played by musicians who previously performed at Off Morocco. It is obvious that Ishmail meant a lot to many people, who during the course of the evening read out poems to honour to him.

"I’m very glad to have been here… in this very special celebration of Richard’s life, that in itself is very healing and very positive. I think the way he died was very premature and tragic, it shows us that much more has to be done to combat crime in our country." said Big Issue’s Do Machin.

ANC provincial chairman James Ngculu also praised Ishmail and saluted him last night, as he spoke about how Ishmail contributed to South Africa during its oppression.

Relatives and friends listened to many stories told about Richard, but the evening service was emphasized as a celebration by all who were present.

Richard Ishmail passed away in hospital on January 10 after he was stabbed in his home in Woodstock. No arrests have been made yet, but his family is appealing to the community to come forward and help the police with any information that may lead to the arrest of the perpetrators.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

No sign of missing girl

By Tando Mfengwana
18 January 2007

Police are continuing with the search of a four-year-old girl from Langa who was reported missing.

Phelokazi Qebekwane was last seen playing with friends on Saturday morning.

Police spokesperson Captain Randall Stoffels said that there were no new on leads on Phelokazi’s whereabouts. Phelokazi’s friends told the police that she left with a strange man.

Stoffels said her family has offered R2000 reward money for Phelokazi’s safe return.

Pictures of the child have been distributed by Bambanani volunteers who have gone door to door in Langa and its surrounding areas.

Anyone with information can contact the Langa police on 021 695 8000 or CrimeStop on 08600 10111.

Student warder dies in Pollsmoor prison attack

By Chanel September
17 January 2007

A student warder was fatally stabbed with a kitchen knife in a suspected gang initiation at Pollsmoor Prison last month.

The student was stabbed three times in the neck and shoulder on 28 December. A prisoner has been charged with the murder of the 32-year-old warder.

It is believed that the student warder was taken to the Constantiaberg Medi-Clinic and was released on January 1, but his wounds became infected could possibly have been the cause of death.

According to a daily paper the attack occurred just days after a senior warder was also stabbed in a prison attack.

It's back to school for Western Cape learners

By Odette Ismail and Tarryn Le Chat
17 January 2007

The first school day at Queenspark High in Salt River, Cape Town, left many Grade 8 learners standing in an excluded bundle and feeling very nervous.

Catching up seems to be the main topic of the day amongst most of the pupils.

The school was buzzing this morning with students dressed up and looking smart in their maroon and grey uniforms, all geared up for their 2007 school year.

“I feel nervous… the new friends, I only saw them today and some of the others I saw them yesterday, just anything that comes my way I’ll take and grab a chance,” says Akhona a Grade 8 learner at Queenspark High School.

On the other side of the school grounds were vibrant Matric learners who said they could not wait for their school career to finish.

“I feel very excited to see my friends although I saw them the whole holiday… my goals are hopefully, to pass good this year and just to make it to a university,” says Jamie-lee Jansen a Grade 12 learner at the school.

A few kilometers away in Woodstock, another Bush Radio reporter found Saint Agnes Roman Catholic primary school abuzz with its learners returning to the once quiet school grounds after the long year-end holidays.

The energy was tangible in the air, with many students chirping away as they ran to meet their friends at the school gate. The most interesting developments were the newcomers. With some clutching onto their mom’s legs and others eyes lighting up as they take in their new surroundings, the Grade 1 learners were geared for the start of their school careers.

Many parents, escorting their kids to school, looked pleased and happy to have their kids start school. A parent, Rozanne Africa, describes her son Cassidy’s behaviour before his first day of "big" school: “He is very excited. Cassidy was up at 3 this morning wanting to get dressed and go to school,” she said.

MEC for Education, Cameron Dugmore, describes the first day of school as a prospect for many learners.

“Learners should not be afraid of school. It is a great prospect. They should see their teachers as friends and embrace the learning experience”, said Dugmore.

As the sound of the “you better get to class” bell went off at 8AM, students rushed towards the hall where the Grade 1 pupils and their parents were welcomed by the teaching staff and principal.

Vandalism causes chaos at a primary school

By Tarryn Le Chat
17 January 2007

As the first day of school approaches, many Grade one learners could be housed in their school’s hall as classrooms were ransacked due to acts of vandalism of classrooms at a primary school in Cape Town.

Teachers and governing body members at Greenland’s Primary School in Bishop Lavis looked hopelessly on Monday at what they estimate to be R60 000 in damage.

Sinks, chalk boards, copper taps have been ripped from the walls and crayons lie scattered on the floor, whilst windows were smashed.

Governing body chairperson, Henry Fortune, believes that the act of vandalism was drug-related.

Greenlands was forced to turn off its water supply to prevent flooding, so the toilets might not be usable on Wednesday.

Fortune said the school would invest more in security if it had access to more funds.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Police shot at in Milnerton

By Tando Mfengwana
17 January 2007

This morning two police officers got shot at when they stopped a suspicious vehicle in Joe Slovo, Milnerton.

One suspect got out of the vehicle and ran away whilst firing gunshots at the police officers.

Police spokesperson Captain Elliot Sinyangana said they chased after the man and managed to arrest both men free from injuries.

They recovered and seized two unlicensed firearms and ammunition.

They suspects are facing charges of attempted murder and possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition.

The will appear at the Cape Town Magistrate Court soon.

Search is on for missing Delft woman

By Chanel September
16 January 2007

The Delft police are requesting the public's assistance in finding 32-year-old Maurika Israel.

Dressed in a blue sweater, white jeans and white sandals, she was last seen leaving her home in
Belhar on the morning of 26 November 2006.

Police spokesperson Inspector Bernadine Steyn says that she is about 1.7 m tall, of medium complexion, has brown hair and dark brown eyes.

Anyone with information can contact the investigating officer, Constable Warren Booysen at the Delft Police station on (021) 954 1345 or Crime Stop on Call-share on 08600 10111.

City announces preferred bidder for 2010 stadium

By Tarryn Le Chat
16 January 2007

The City of Cape Town has selected a preferred bidder for the construction of the 68 000 seater multi-purpose stadium in Green Point. This means that talks can now continue, but the tender has not yet been awarded.

Murray & Roberts and WBHO (Pty) Ltd, have been deemed the cheapest. In a joint venture the bidders adjusted for tender qualifications and without VAT, came in at R2 746 665.

However, the overall cost value projected by Fifa with contingencies and requirements stands at an estimated R3, 73 billion.

Mike Marsden, head of the 2010 team has been instructed to start negotiations with the consortium by the city’s bid adjudication committee.

When the negotiation process has been completed, a further report will be submitted by the city’s 2010 team to the committee with a view to awarding the tender.

The working timeline for the construction of the stadium begins in March 2007, to meet the March 2009 deadline.

Richard Ishmail to be buried in Cape Town

By Nadia Samie
16 January 2007

Slain former Big Issue boss and former owner of Off Morocco, Richard Ishmail’s memorial and funeral arrangements have been announced.

Two memorials, one in Cape Town and the other in Johannesburg, will be held simultaneously on Wednesday 17 January, from 17h00 to 19h00. The Cape Town memorial will be at the Ashley Kriel Hall at Community House, 41 Salt River Rd, Salt River. The Johannesburg memorial will be held at the Baseline, President Street, Newtown Cultural Prescient.

Ishmail’s funeral will be held on Saturday 20 January at St Georges Cathedral, Wale Street, Cape Town. Viewing starts at 08h30 and the funeral service starts at 09h00. It has been requested that in lieu of flowers, people can make a contribution to the Richard Ishmail Memorial Fund, for the expenses of the memorials and funeral.

Ishmail died in Groote Schuur Hospital last Wednesday, after he was attacked in his Woodstock home in the early hours of last Sunday morning and sustained stab wounds, damaging his kidneys, intestine and spleen.

The family has made a call on anyone who may be able to assist with the investigation, particularly anyone who saw Ishmail on Saturday night, 7 January, to contact Captain Louis at the Woodstock Police Station on 021 4423124 or 021 4423129. Alternatively call Crime-Stop on 08600-10111.

Police spokesperson Captain Randall Stoffells told Bush Radio that on Tuesday that there have been no new developments in the case and no arrests have yet been made. A charge of murder is being investigated.

The Richard Ishmail Memorial Fund is held at the Standard Bank in Claremont, branch code 02510901, swift address SBZA ZA JJ, account number 077478037.

Cable theft being tackled in the city

By Odette Ismail
16 January 2007

Cable theft is costing the City of Cape Town millions of rands. The metro's response is a task team to curb thefts and damage to substations.

The team will investigate cable thefts and will monitor thieves who try to cash in cables for large amounts of money.

Rens Bindeman, a consultant on theft for the city, told reporters that they will try to install more alarm systems at substations. He says the damage to substations cost a lot of money and sometimes takes days to fix.

Meanwhile, a 15-year-old was seriously injured when he and others tried to steal electrical equipment at a substation over the weekend. He is currently in hospital, however he faces charges of theft and malicious damage to property when he is discharged.

Neighbours up in arms over noise level

By Tarryn Le Chat
15 January 2006

Observatory residents are furious at the noise levels that woke them up, as they believed it to be gunshots or thunder. The Hartleyvale Stadium is depriving many of the residents of sleep.

Boasting a single stand and a canvas roof to protect visitors from the sun, the canvas has torn on one side and loose flap bangs against the stadium’s steel wall.

The noise keeps residents awake for hours at night.

One of the residents, Fabiola Cox, said that she had complained about the noise to the municipality, “They gave me all sorts of excuses about having to wait to see if insurance will pay for the damage.”

The city has tried to fix the canvas, which bangs against the stadium wall whenever the wind picks up.

City spokesperson Charles Cooper confirmed that insurance aspects and people being on leave had delayed the removal of the canvas sheets.

Cooper has apologised to the residents for the inconvenience and said that it would be sorted before the wind became stronger.

Monday, January 15, 2007

10% of Western Cape moms addicted to tik

By Chanel September
15 January 2007

Researchers have found that 10% of pregnant women in the Western Cape are addicted to tik.

A pilot study last year involving 100 mothers attending antenatal clinics in the Tygerberg area found that the women had used tik during their pregnancies

Western Cape health department official Miranda Anthony, says that several hundred babies could have been born to tik-addicted mothers in the past year.

It is believed that the use of tik during pregnancy caused prenatal complications, increased rates of premature delivery, and altered neonatal behavioural patterns, including abnormal reflexes and extreme irritability among both babies and mothers.

Community Noticeboard

Community Information Network

  • Nar-Anon Support Group for families and loved ones of drug addicts and alcoholics meets on Mondays, at 8pm, in St Kairan’s Church Hall, corner of 7th Avenue and Recreation Road, Fish Hoek and on Tuesdays, at 8pm, in the Holy Trinity church hall, Main Road, Kalk Bay. Call Imogen on 082 298 4955.

  • Donate your clothing, bric-a-brac, toys or anything you no longer need to the Good News charity shop in Station Road, Fish Hoek. Stock is needed to fund students at the Bible Institute of South Africa. For information phone 021 782 6909 or 072 918 7131.

  • Cape Town Child Welfare in Hout Bay is seeking volunteers of all ages to assist children and adolescents with their school work. A daily, weekly or monthly commitment is required. Contribution to travel expenses will be given. If you would like to get involved, please leave your details with Susan Mannheim on 021 790 2300

  • Telkom users have one day left before having to dial the area code when making local calls or when connecting to the internet. The international dialing code will also change from 09 to 00. People who try to dial local numbers without pre-fix would be routed to a message advising callers to dial 10 digits.

  • Compiled by Tando Mfengwana

    Yengeni released today

    By Nadia Samie
    15 January 2006

    Former ANC Chief Whip, Tony Yengeni, walked out of Malmesbury Prison today, but this does not mean that he is a free man. Yengeni will be under house arrest and must report to a police station daily.

    Walking through the prison gates after 10AM on Monday morning, Yengeni maintained his innocence, and branded his imprisonment a "mistake". A Correctional Services official said that Yengeni was not allowed to speak to the media.

    Yengeni will be expected to complete 16 hours of community service per month and he will not be allowed to leave the district where he lives. These and other parole conditions will remain in place until 2008.

    Yengeni was visited in prison by Correctional Services Minister Ngconde Balfour last night. The purpose of the visit was to brief the Yengeni family on the parole conditions. Balfour told Yengeni that failure to comply with the conditions could see him back behind bars.

    His four-year jail term was shortened to 28 months after President Thabo Mbeki granted him a general amnesty. He has served four months of that sentence in jail, and will serve the rest under correctional supervision.

    The former chief whip was found guilty in 2003 of defrauding Parliament by failing to disclose a huge discount on a luxury 4X4 Mercedes-Benz.

    Ravensmead love affair leaves two people dead

    By Odette Ismail
    15 January 2007

    A tragic scene unfolded in Ravensmead on Saturday evening, which saw a young man shoot dead his lover before turning the gun on himself.

    Inspector Trevor Williams from the Ravensmead police says George Fortuin aged 22, shot his girlfriend of the same age Lynette Prince at 19H15 on Saturday at 9 Dorothy Court, Ravensmead.

    Fortuin allegedly used a stolen firearm and fired two shots, killing first his girlfriend and then shooting himself in the head. She died instantly and he died an hour later in Tygerberg Hospital.

    It is believed that Prince had written a letter to end things between her and Fortuin, but he could not deal with the break-up. The couple do not have any children, but it is believed that Prince allegedly aborted the child she was carrying, who was allegedly fathered by Fortuin. According to police, it was this abortion that sparked the tragedy.

    An inquest docket has been opened.

    Zuma visits Yengeni

    By Tando Mfengwana
    15 January 2007

    The Deputy President of the African National Congress (ANC) Jacob Zuma visited convicted fraudster Tony Yengeni a day before his release in the Malmesbuery prison in Cape Town.

    Yengeni is expected to receive a warm welcome when he leaves the prison on Monday.

    The ANC in the Western Cape says that senior ANC leaders would be there to greet their former chief whip.

    Claims of special treatment for Yengeni were rife throughout he’s stay in prison. Earlier reports indicated that Yengeni was allowed to hold a private Christmas party.

    Sunday, January 14, 2007

    Police arrest a man linked to 10 robberies

    By Tando Mfengwana
    15 January 2007

    Police have arrested a man who allegedly targeted women drivers, and robbed them before forcing them to perform oral sex.

    The 30-year-old man has been linked to at least 10 incidents over the past three months. It is alleged that he followed the women home, robbed them at gunpoint and then forced them to give him oral sex.

    Police spokesperson Elliot Sinyangana said they have found several handbags, cellphones and a toy gun at this home in Blackheath.

    The man is linked to six incidents of armed robbery in Table View, Parow and Goodwood, three other incidents of armed robberies and sexual assault in Table View and Rondebosch.

    He is also linked to a burglary in Kuils River that took place in 2005.

    He will appear in the Cape High Court today.

    Woodstock man killed in his home

    By Tando Mfengwana
    14 January 2007

    A 34-year old man was shot dead during an argument at his house in Douglas Place, Woodstock.

    Godfrey Hendricks was involved in an argument when one of the men fired two shots towards him and he was shot in the head and died on the scene.

    Police spokesperson Captain Randall Stoffels says that the motive for the incident is still unknown.

    He says that possibly suspects have been identified and police are confident to make an arrest soon.

    A case of murder is being investigated.

    Anyone with information can contact the Woodstock Police on 021 442 3122 or Crime Stop on 08600 10 111.

    Saturday, January 13, 2007

    Father kills 14-month old son

    By Tando Mfengwana
    13 January 2007

    A 14-month old baby boy, died after his father allegedly stabbed him in the stomach in East London, Eastern Cape.

    Unathi Lucawa was killed after he was kept hostage by his Egyptian father at his mother’s home in Ngculu village near Ngqamakhwe.

    Reports say that the boy’s father, Sakrszeat Rabier, 27, wanted to take the boy to Cape Town and the mother refused.

    Police spokesperson Captain Jackson Manatha said, Rabier allegedly stabbed the boy on his stomach.

    Police shot towards Rabier hitting him in the hand that held the boy, when they realised that the boy’s life was in danger.

    The baby died in hospital and the boy’s father was taken to hospital, under police guard.

    The Saturday Argus reports that Rabier had allegedly taken Unathi hostage in the past.

    He is due to appear at the Ngqamakhwe Magistrate court on February 20th on a charge of murder.

    Youth hospitalised after stealing electrical equipment

    By Chanel September
    13 January 2007

    A 15-year old boy is in the Tygerberg Hospital after he sustained severe burns to his face, neck and hands when he came into contact with 11 000 volt.

    The boy was allegedly busy removing equipment from a City of Cape Town electrical substation in Parow South Industrial Area.

    A security guard on duty at the next door Municipal compost plant apprehended him.

    As a result the electricity supply to the surrounding factories has been interrupted.

    Authorities say that it seems more than one person was involved and that the others escaped with some of the stolen equipment.

    The cost of replacing the stolen equipment and repairing the vandalised sub-station is, estimated at R250 000.

    A case of housebreaking and theft was opened at Ravensmead Police Station.

    Hundred more families to move into District Six

    By Tando Mfengwana
    13 January 2007

    One Hundred Cape Town families that were evacuated from District Six are set to return back soon.

    The families were told that they had been selected from thousands of applicants and that building will start.

    The legal adviser to the District Six Beneficiaries and Redevelopment Trust, Igshaan Higgins said the families were some of the first applicants, with the names verified by the national Land Commission.

    Higgins told the Weekend Argus that claimants would have to come up with R125 000 for their three bedroom houses.

    There will be a 15-year suspension on selling the houses.

    This will form part of a social contract or legally binding agreement biding the all claimants from selling.

    The agreement specifies that no shebeens, prostitution, drug merchants or gambling would be allowed.

    So far 1 980 applications had been processed and a further 400 were still waiting to be processed.

    A total of 4 000 new homes are planned for the area.

    Nadeem Hendricks of the Trust said, the families identified would live in the first 2 500 units built, the balance would be occupied by late claimants.

    Zarina Allie, the spokesperson for the District Six Concerned Claimants Committee, dismissed the proposed development.

    Allie questions why the first 24 claimants had to pay R60 000 while these claimants would pay R125 000.

    Friday, January 12, 2007

    Mother of four killed in Khayelitsha

    By Tarryn Le Chat
    12 January 2007

    A mother of four was killed at Khayelitsha train station early this morning while on her way to work, allegedly by a relative.

    Nofest Florida Didi, 41, was found dead at Nonqubela train station, where she sustained a gunshot wound to her head and died at the scene.

    According to her sister, Nonthando Mhlabeni, she had left for work that morning.

    “Didi had been on her way to work to the V&A waterfront restaurant and had to catch the 6:30am city-bound train as usual” she said.

    Mhlabeni believes her sister had been murdered by a relative (who is believed to be Didi’s husband) committed suicide a few kilometres away after the murder.

    Police spokesperson, Inspector Bernadine Steyn, told Bush Radio that the man’s identity cannot be released until his family has been informed.

    Didi was survived by her four children aged between seven and 23.

    Community Infomation Network

    By Chanel September
    12 January 2007

    # Unemployed people aged 22 years and over can apply for the Ottery-based Lorga community Skills Training Centre courses in basic plumbing, basic electrical and welding. Applications should be submitted to the Lorga Office at Lafob Building on the corner of First and Klip roads in Grassy Park. It will cost R50 and applications must take their green South African ID books when they apply between 9am and 12:30 pm from Mondays to Fridays.

    #Free detoxing, distressing, energising yoga breathing classes at the Kalk Bay community centre every Saturday at 9am for half an hour. For more information phone Glen on (021)788 1260.

    # Exercise for over 50s: get fit, have fun to music at the Fish Hoek civic centre main hall from 10am to 11am Tuesdays and Fridays. For more information contact Dee on (021)781 0026 or 082 870 7666.

    # Big Brothers Big Sister of South Africa provides mentoring programme for youth in need or at risk, needs adult volunteers to mentor children for an hour a week. Call (021) 551 7996 or email makeadifference@bbbssa

    # Donate your bric and brac, toys and anything you no longer need to the Good News charity shop in Station road Fish Hoek. For more details phone (021)782 690 or 072 918 7131

    # Cape Town Child Welfare is urgently seeking donations of good quality children’s clothing for children’s aged between 0 and 14 years. Boys’ clothes are urgently required. For more information or to arrange collections contact Melody Volmink at (021)638 3127.

    If you have any information for the CIN team regarding events happeining in your community please contact us on (021) 4485450, you can also fax us on (021) 4485451 alternatively email us at You can also call us here at bush radio if you have missed any of the numbers mentioned.

    Slain Wesbank boy laid to rest

    The little boy from Wesbank who was tragically killed whilst asleep, will be laid to rest on Saturday morning. Four-year-old Davin Afrika ...