Thursday, May 31, 2007

Public servants' strike set for Friday

By Sonata Lee
31 May 2007

The public service unions held a press conference at the COSATU headquarters today to announce the type of impact tomorrow’s strike will have on the public sector.

COSATU leader, Tony Ehrenreich told the media that although this is a full-scale strike, essential service workers at hospitals and prisons will report to work and provide the minimum level of service while non-essential staff will picket outside the workplace. Ehrenreich insisted that the unions are upholding their responsibility to service the community by keeping 25 percent of essential staff on the job.

Ehrenreich reiterated the union’s commitment to strike until all demands are met. The unions have demanded a 12 percent salary increase while the government has offered 6 percent. Salary negotiations remain at a standstill with the government increasing their offer to 6.5 percent and union representatives finding the offer unacceptable.

Sanef raises concern as govt tries to gag Beeld

By Nadia Samie
31 May 2007

The South African National Editors Forum has come out in support of a daily newspaper after an attempt by a government department to prevent it from publishing a story.

The Department of Transport has tried to gag the Beeld newspaper, after the paper obtained a report by the Auditor-General about the controversial and problematic licensing system, eNaTIS.

According to Beeld, the paper approached the Transport Department for comment, in line with basic journalistic practices. The department requested a day in which to formulate a response. However, the department then almost immediately launched an urgent application to the Pretoria High Court to stop the paper from making public information from the Auditor General’s report.

Raymond Louw, chairperson of Sanef’s Media Freedom Committee, says that the conduct of the department is reason for concern.

“We regard it as totally unacceptable that a government department should try to prevent information which may be embarrassing to it (the transport department) from being published, particularly information about this particular system which has caused losses of millions of rands to motor dealers and general inconvenience to the public, and that we believe is in the public interest,” Louw says.

Now Sanef is calling on the judiciary to note the increasing use of interdicts against news media, and to apply injunction that the Bill of Rights applies to all laws and binds the legislature.

Collen Msibi, spokesperson for the Department of Transport, confirmed to Bush Radio that an urgent application was launched at the Pretoria High Court.

City to host local "Developers Workshop"

By Tando Mfengwana
31 May 2007

The City of Cape Town is to meet with property developers to discuss obstacles hindering sustainable development in the city at the council chambers on Friday.

At least 200 property developers are expected to attend the half-day "Developers Workshop" and discuss the city’s ailing property development sector.

"The City acknowledges that there is a need for better communication between itself and property developers," says Mayoral Committee member for Planning and Environment, Marian Nieuwoudt.

Topics that will be discussed include municipal processes, environmental impacts, and an overview of current legal frameworks. The workshop will also establish whether there is a need to set up a Property Developers Forum to encourage interaction and decision-making processes.
Mayor Helen Zille will attend the workshop as a guest speaker.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Alledged Russian underworld boss and daughter killed

By Odette Ismail
30 May 2007

A shooting drama unfolded yesterday evening when a man and his four-old daughter were murdered during a shooting incident in Milnerton, Cape Town. It is believed that the man is the feared Russian underworld figure, Yuri Ulianitski. A five-year old girl was also killed in the incident.

The shooting took place at 10:45 last night after the family left a restaurant and was heading back to their Table Bay home.

Superintendent Billy Jones says that, shots were fired at the family from occupants of another vehicle on the corners of Loxton Road and Marine Drive in Milnerton.

"This 39-year-old man sustained bullet wounds to his chest, stomach and legs while his wife sustained wounds to her side and legs. The couple’s daughter was shot in the head" , says Jones.
They were taken to a local hospital but only the woman survived. She is however in a critical condition.

The motive for the shooting is unclear, but police are investigating all possiblities that the hit was planned. The suspects are still at large. Police will not release the names of the victims as their families have not been notified of their deaths.

Anyone with information about the incident should contact CrimeStop on 08600 10111.

Zille Heights residents' to protest outside Cape High court

By Tando Mfengwana
30 May 2007

Residents of the Zille Rain Heights informal settlement are to picket outside the Cape High court on Wednesday. The residents are opposing an eviction application served by the City of Cape Town in October last year.

The court will give judgment on whether they can still stay at the present location or whether they are going to be evicted, says Lorraine Heuni of the Zille Heights Residents Association.

The association says that the attack on them is political, and therefore plan to protest, along with the Anti-Eviction Campaign and other organisations outside the court at 9am.

“We do have some other communities going with us to show some solidarity in the wait for the judgement,” says Heuni.

About 120 shacks occupy the area on the boundary of Grassy Park and Parkwood in Cape Town.

The City offered the shack dwellers an alternative last year to either move to Happy Valley or be evicted. The residents decided to fight the City’s eviction application.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Premier Rasool calls on Muslim countries to invest in South Africa

By Sonata Lee
29 May 2007

Premier Ebrahim Rasool traveled to Malaysia yesterday to address the World Islamic Economic Forum in Kuala Lampur.

In his speech, the Premier recalled the words of Mahtma Gandhi and the principles of the Quran to remind Muslims that they are called on to not only comply with their duty but to also pursue the Higher Objectives of their faith.

He stated that the community must pursue beneficial intergration in this age of globisation. He stated that Muslims cannot be blind to their responsibility to the environment and insisted that the gap between the rich and the poor must be closed.

He then challenged Muslim countries to use these Higher Objectives to lead the community to new markets for trade, investment, innovation and progress.

He closed by inviting Muslim businesses to invest in South Africa’s burgeoning economy.

New rehabs for Cape Town's street people

By Chanel September
29 May 2007

A rehabilitation programme aimed at treating street people with alcohol and other substance addictions has been set up by the City of Cape Town.

The new rehab plan forms part of a pilot project for the holistic strategy of adult street people, costing the city R1,3 million. The programme also offers clinical detoxification services, personal development programmes and support services by various NGO’s.

“The strategy has been developed ‘from the bottom up’ and is the final consultation between NGO’s and city officials”, says the city’s Safety and Security Portfolio Committee Member JP Smith.

“Our main focus is to develop an implementable strategy which in tern would reduce the number of people landing on the city’s streets. The programme will last a couple of weeks,” says Smith.

According to the city, about 3000 people are currently living in shelters. This strategy seeks to offer people an alternative to life on the street and will offer life skills and job skills training.

'Green Scorpions' swoop on iron, steel, ferroalloy industries

By Nadia Samie
29 May 2007

Environmental Management Inspectors from the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and the Gauteng Department of Agrigulture, Conservation and Environment will today conduct an environmental compliance inspection at Mittal Steel’s Vereeniging plant.

The “Green Scorpions”, as they are known, will check whether the steel company complies with environmental legislation at its Vaal Triangle plant.

The inspection kicks off an environmental campaign known as Operation Ferro. It aims to test compliance with environmental legislation in the iron, steel and ferroalloy industries, with regard to air, waste and water. These particular industries have been prioritised because their industrial processes can contribute significantly to pollution if not managed properly.

The Green Scorpions will visit about 40 sites in the Western Cape, Gauteng, Mpumalanga and North-West during the course of the year as part of the campaign.

Environmental Affairs and Tourism is currently reviewing all air pollution permits in these industries.

Popcru denies claims of racism

By Nadia Samie
29 May 2007

The Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (Popcru) has come out fighting after being accused of driving a racist agenda. A fellow union, Solidarity, and its affiliate, AfriForum have referred the matter to the human rights commission.

Popcru stands accused of attempting to drive white, coloured and Indian people out of the South African Police Service (SAPS). Popcru’s Pat Ntsobi has challenged Solidarity and AfriForum to prove the allegations or face legal action.

“We see their action as a ploy to create fear amongst these members because Solidarity is interested in organising in this sector,” Ntsobi says in statement.

The spat between the unions is on-going since December 2006, when Afriforum released a report titled: "New racism in the South African Police Service (SAPS)". In the report, AfriForum, under the banner of Solidarity, claimed that Popcru had orchestrated a campaign to oust white, coloured and Indian members in the police service.

Cosatu condemns new pension regulations

By Tando Mfengwana
29 May 2007

Trade union federation Cosatu has called for the withdrawal of new regulations to the long-term Insurance Act. They have also condemned the process at which these were being drafted and published without consultation with workers and pension fund members.

It says that the process was influenced by the long-term insurance industry. The industry paid back R3 billion, which Cosatu says it “fleeced for years through unjust charges and undisclosed penalty fees.”

“We want to see the whole thing go back to Nedlac (National Economic Development and Labour Council), so that the interest of the workers particular and the community more generally can be safe guarded in these very important regulations” says Cosatu spokesperson Patrick Craven.

In terms of the new regulations long term insurance companies can continue charging undisclosed fees and penalties, premium reduction fees, casual event charges, and early termination charges.

Cosatu is calling on Finance minister, Trevor Manuel to withdraw these new regulations and to consult all interested parties.

City to divert funds for Youth Day to rehabilitation

By Tarryn Le Chat
29 May 2007

The City of Cape Town has decided to move funds for entertainment, events and catering for Youth Month celebrations to drug rehabilitation centres instead.

The estimated amount to be allocated is approximately R700 000.

According to mayoral spokesperson, Robert MacDonald, the money will be used to replicate the kind of work being done at the Sultan Bahu rehabilitation centres in Mitchell’s Plain and Hanover Park.

“The Sultan Bahu Centres run a six week programme for the rehabilitation of between 40 and 50 youth trying to recover from drug addiction”, says MacDonald. The centre treats people who are referred to them by courts, families and through self-voluntary acts.

However, the City of Cape Town will still support two events on Youth day (16 June), this being the Cape Town Book Fair and the Chaeli Fundraiser for disabled youth.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Whistleblowers receive award

By Sonata Lee
28 May 2007

Four whistleblowers who alerted the City of Cape Town to an illegal water connection in Philippi were rewarded today by the city. Executive Mayor Helen Zille presented each of the four Capetonians with cheques for R2 000 during a brief ceremony.

“The city decided that it should reward them for coming forward and for taking a risk and exposing themselves to the kind of victimisation that whistleblowers sometimes get subjected to and we are very grateful to them,” said Robert MacDonald, the Mayor’s spokesperson. “This is part of a larger initiative that the city has put underway to try to combat theft of council property.”

The whistleblowers, who are farm workers in Philippi, alerted authorities of the illegal water connection on January 16 of this year. After launching an investigation, the city determined R2,2 million of water was stolen over a period of 31 months.

It’s alleged that two farmers illegally connected their water pipes to the City’s main water supply and used the stolen water to irrigate their garden, fill dams and sell the water to their labourers.

The city has set up a toll free number for whistleblowers to report water and copper cable. Whistleblowers may remain anonymous, 0800 222 771.

Community Infomation Network

By Tarryn Le Chat
28 May 2007

# The Hout Bay Nutrition Club presents a talk on arthritis and osteoporosis – prevention and alleviating pain the healthy way on Thursday May 31 at Hout Bay Library hall at 10:15am for 10:30am. Nutritional consultant Jenny Brown will attend. AIM members will host the event. Entrance is free and donations are welcome. To RSVP, call Rosemary on 021 438 9307 or 082 563 6642 or email

# The University of the Western Cape is having a 10 km fast & flat and 5km fun run & walk. The venue is at the UWC sport stadium on the 2nd of June. Registration is at 6am at the student Centre. The 10km race start at 7:30am and the 5km at 7:45am. Entry fee for the 10km is R20 for licensed runners and R35 for unlicensed runners. For the 5km adults pay R10 and juniors pay R5. There will be medals to all finishers. It is in support of the RUNNING THE RACE AGAINST HIV & AIDS. Everyone and anyone are welcome!!! For more info contact: Jerome Walters, Race Co-ordinator on 083 766 5188.

# Find out about drugs – how you can see if your child is using drugs at the next public meeting of the Fish Hoek Valley community police forum in the Fish Hoek civic minor hall on Wednesday May 30 at 7:30pm. There will displays of drugs and police will be there to answer questions. For more details, phone the CPF on 083 679 0390.

# A public meeting will be held by the Muizenberg Police to which the residents of Muizenberg, Lakeside, St James, Kalk Bay, Seawinds, Sheraton Park, Coniston Park, Vrygrond, Hillview, Capricorn, Marina Da Gama, San Marina, Pelican Heights, Overcome Heights, Duiker gate, and Costa Da Gama are invited. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the new structure of the Community Police Forum, improving service delivery in the Muizenberg policing precinct and to introduce the new Station Commissioner, Director Gideon Hagen. The venue is at Coniston Park Recreation Hall, Military Road, Steenberg. The date is the 29 May at 7pm.

# Cosatu will announce Hout Bay agreement. Public meeting will be held in Hout Bay Kronendal school hall on Tuesday 29 May 2007 at 19h00 hours. This agreement has been as a result of 4 months of negotiations facilitated by the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation, between all parties in the Hout Bay area. The plans will be unveiled in the meeting and the role players would be available to answer any questions.

If you have any information for the CIN team regarding events happening in you community, please feel free to contact us on 021 4485450 or fax us on 021 448 5451. Alternatively you can email us on

Alleged gang activity leaves three dead

By Odette Ismail
28 May 2007

Police have made swift arrests after three young men were killed in apparent gang-related incidents in the Western Cape over the weekend.

On Friday passers-by came across the bodies of two partially clothed men. Simthebred Ntengento aged 17 and Unathi Mavuduka, aged 20 years old, was found on the corner of Leiden Avenue and Bakker Road in Leiden.

On Saturday police arrested two men in connection with the murders of the two Delft men. They were found in their underwear, shot execution style.

"Evidence found on the scene concludes that the incident was gang-related. It definitely is gang-related due to a number of reasons," says police spokesperson, Billy Jones.

In a separate incident also on Saturday, police swooped on a 22-year-old male, after 16-year-old Wayne Hendricks was fatally wounded in a drive-by shooting near his home in Belhar.

The suspect is to appear in the Bellville Magistrates court on Tuesday, 26 May, on a charge of murder. Jones says shots were fired at Hendricks while he was standing on a pavement talking to a friend on Friday, 25 May. Police were able to make the arrest after receiving a tip-off but they cannot confirm the motive for the killing.

Anyone with information that can assist the police with their investigation should call CrimeStop on the call-share number, 08600 10111.

Unions and government meet for final negotiations

By Chanel September
28 May 2007

The last attempt to avoid the striking of more than one million public servants will be made on Monday when Cosatu affiliates, independent unions and government meet in a special roundtable meeting.

The ongoing dispute between the unions and government drawn fever-pitch as unions demand a 12% salary increase with improved benefits apposed to government only offering 6%.

On Friday thousands of public sector employees united in cities across the country in support for the 12% increase, it was also a forerunner of what could be expected on June 1 if an agreement is not reached.

According to reports the unions are prepared to drop the wage demand to some extent but will remain firm on other demands.

“We are hoping for a significant improved offer from government when we meet for negotiations so that a satisfactory outcome can be achieved”, says National spokesperson for Cosatu Patrick Craven.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

ICC president Percy Sonn dies

By Chanel September
27 May 2007

The International Cricket Council (ICC) president, Percy Sonn has died at the Durbanville Medi-Clinic on Sunday morning.

According to reports Sonn, 57, died following complications related to a colon operation.

Sonn was the first African to head cricket's world governing body. He also contributed largely in the uniting of South African cricket and negotiating its return to the world pitch in 1991.

"Percy Sonn will be mourned throughout the cricketing world as one of the best administrators the game has known”, says CEO of Cricket South Africa, Gerald Majola, in a statement.

"He was one of the pioneers of non-racial cricket in South Africa. It was a great tribute for South African and world cricket that he was able to rise from playing as a youngster in the dusty streets of the townships to the highest office in world cricket”, says Majola.

Sonn is survived by his wife Sandra, two sons and a daughter.

New plan set to curb pregnancies in SA schools

By Chanel September
27 May 2007

School girls who fall pregnant could soon spend two years out of the classroom before being allowed back.

A new proposal is already in circulation within the Department of Education. The aim of the proposal is to curb the number of unplanned pregnancies in the country.

The proposal also makes provision for fathers who are pupils to take paternity leave.

Education Minister Naledi Pandor sent the 11-page document to provincial education MECs for their consideration and comment earlier this month, this according to a Sunday paper.

MECs were given a week to comment, failing to do so, the department would then assume they approved the document.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Suspects still at large after attack and robbery

By Chanel September
26 May 2007

A shooting incident occurred on the N2 highway at Borcherd's Quarry in Nyanga, Cape Town, on Friday afternoon.

According to police a 45-year-old man and his companion were attacked and robbed while walking past four men shortly after 4pm.

"They said one of the men intimidated them with a gun before firing a shot and wounding one of them on the leg", says Police spokesperson Captain Randall Stoffels.

“The wounded man was airlifted to hospital in a stable condition. His companion was not harmed”, says Stoffels.

The attackers fled and were still at large as no arrests have been made.

Case of attempted murder has been opened by police.Anyone with information can contact CrimeStop on 0800 10 111.

The 14 taxi drivers arrested, out on bail

By Odette Ismail
26 May 2007

The 14 members of the Congress of Democratic Taxi Association who were arrested after chaos erupted in Northpine, Cape Town has been let out on bail of R300 bail each.

The Cape Argus reports that their fellow colleagues went to Kuilsriver Magistrates court where they showed their support on Thursday.

Three people were wounded on Tuesday when a shoot-out broke out at the intersection of Old Paarl and Okovango roads in Northpine.

However another five males face the charges of being in possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition.

The fourteen are to appear in court again on October 26 for more investigations on apparent outstanding ballistic reports.

Fire leaves 35 people homeless in Du Noon

By Chanel September
26 May 2007

The residents of an informal settlement in Cape Town have been left homeless after a fire swept through their homes in the early hours of Saturday morning.

At least 20 dwellings were destroyed by the fire in the Du Noon informal settlement near Milnerton.

“The fire occurred at approximately 1:30am this morning, 35 people were affected”, says Disaster Management Spokesperson
Johan Minnie.

“The city will be supporting the residents with meals and blankets as well as basic building material”, says Minnie.

According to reports a few informal structures also burned down on the Cape Flats and in Simon's Town last night.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Salt River factory shop owner commits suicide

By Tando Mfengwana
25 May 2007

A 52-year-old man allegedly committed suicide in a factory shop in Queens Park, Salt River on Thursday.

Woodstock police say they attended to an incident at approximately 8:00pm yesterday where the shop owner had died inside his shop.

An employee at the Team Embroiders factory shop says that “we just heard about it this morning too, we don’t know what happened.”

Police spokesperson Randall Stoffels confirmed the incident and said they have opened an inquest docket.

Thousands expected in CBD for public sector march

By Nadia Samie
25 May 2007

Thousands of public sector workers will march in all major South African cities today. In Cape Town, workers are congregating at Kaizersgracht, opposite the castle, from 11am. Trade union federation Cosatu’s Tony Ehrenreich says that 40 000 workers are expected to turn out for the march, which will end outside Parliament.
The unions are demanding a 12 percent wage increase, while government is offering six percent. More than a million South African workers are expected to take part in the strike action today.

Schools will close early today, as many teachers have indicated that they will be marching. The education department’s Gert Witbooi has expressed concern about this, as it is close to the important June exams.

Friday’s action kicks off large-scale strike action set to take place next month, if the workers demands are not met. Government has called for more talks early next week.

The unions participating in Friday's countrywide march are SADTU, NEHAWU, POPCRU, DENOSA, SADNU, PAWUSA, HOSPERSA. SAPU, NAPTOSA.

Community Information Network

# The Hout Bay Nutrition Club presents a talk on arthritis and osteoporosis-prevention and alleviating pain the healthy way on Thursday 31 May at Hout Bay Library hall at 10:15am for 10:30am. Nutritional consultant Jenny Brown will attend. AIM members will host the event. Entrance is free and donations are welcome. To RSVP, call Rosemary on 021 438 9307 or 082 563 6642 or email

# SAKKS Western Cape in conjunction with Bromley’s Fish and Pet Centres will be holding the annual Cape Koi Show from the 26 May to the 27 May at the V&A Waterfront, at the Old Maritime Museum (Next to the museum). Fish and pond equipment will be on sale and much, much more. Tickets will be available at the door. For more information contact M.K at 0823367603.

# Sponsors are needed to help local schools obtain language revision work books. Contact Susan Rabenowitz on 082 701 0820 for details.

# Ward 57 Local Economic Development Forum will host a craft and flea market on Saturday May 26, at the Salt River hall. There will be craft and food stalls. For more information, call Faida on 073 317 9817 or Grace on 073 493 3573.

# South African National Cancer Association in Gugulethu offers a one-stop, accessible and affordable comprehensive outpatient treatment consisting of : counseling, medical and psychiatric intervention, referral for detoxification and ongoing aftercare. All ages are welcome. For more details call Vuyiswa Mvumbu on 021 638 5116 /0 or 638 5181.

If you have any information for the CIN team please feel free to send us an email to you can also contact us on 021 448 5450 or fax us on 021 448 5451.

More parking bays for Cape Town airport

By Odette Ismail
25 May 2007

The public can today expect 600 more parking bays which will be made available at the Cape Town International Airport.

According to a statement the airport will introduce a second multi storey parkade which is set to begin in July this year. This will see 2000 more parking bays after construction work is completed.

This comes after the airports first multi storey parkade last year ensured more parking spaces. However this only eliminated strain on parking capacity for a short period, as passenger numbers went up again.

Deidre Hendriks , Communications Manager, Airports Company South Africa says that they decide to enable a remote site for airport staff and free up as much parking as possible for visitors.

“Although a second multi storey parkade will soon come on stream we’re certain that these additional bays will be welcomed by our airport users. “, says Hendriks.

She says currently the airport is busy with construction activity as the R1.3 billion airport transformation continues. “Work on the Central Terminal building is well underway and the work on the new elevated road, similar to that of O.Tambo International Airport, will begin shortly.” says Hendriks.

There is an appeal to airport users to make sure that they arrive at the airport early in order to have sufficient time to park; check-in and move pass security.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Trade unions to march to Parliament tomorrow

By Ashley Wichman
24 May 2007

Public service unions are marching together on Friday in protest to the proposed wage increase offered by government, that does not meet the demand by unions.

The march will mark the first time that all public service workers are united in protest. Community organisations supporting the planned 1 June public sector strike will also be marching.

The march will begin at 11 a.m. at Keizersgracht Street and end at Parliament. A memorandum will be handed over to Minister for Public Service and Administration Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi at 1 p.m.

In addition to the contested wage increase, the unions also want to express their concerns about the collapse of public services, said Tony Ehrenreich, provincial sectary for the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU).

“Both workers and communities are united in their concerns about what government is doing in regards to public service delivery,” said Ehrenreich.

Elderly to collect pension from Post Office

By Tando Mfengwana
24 May 2007

Pensioners' will soon be able to collect their social grants from post offices across the country.

This will be done in terms of an agreement between the communications and social development departments.

Minister of Social development, Zola Skweyiya told the SABC that the aim of the project is to reach out to people in remote rural areas with no banking facilities.

Skweyiya says that pensioners will no longer have to pay bank charges to draw their grants and portable post offices will also be set up.

In an effort to streamline the process of collecting grants, technology will be improved and extended to post offices around the country.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New master plan launched to beef-up informal settlements

By Chanel September
23 May 2007

A plan to improve the living conditions of all 222 informal settlements in the metro has today been launched by the City of Cape Town.

The detailed plan forms part of the city’s Informal Settlement Upgrading Master Plan.

The aim of the detailed plan is to provide essential services to all informal settlements within the next two years. Essential services include the improvement of water, sanitation and area lighting.

“The city’s vision for the plan is to upgrade the settlements in a sustainable manner which intern will align with the city’s housing plan”, says Cape Town Mayor Helen Zille.

“Our master plan seeks to ensure that those who have been waiting the longest get help first “, says Zille.

“The master plan gives us an indication of the levels of service delivery in the metro. It also provides a clear indication of the vast tracks of land that we need to have for 40 000 families to at least be relocated“, says Mayco member for Housing Dan Plato.

He added that the informal settlements have now been identified but the key issue is to upgrade, relocated and provide the necessary services

Government's plan to combat gangsterism amd drugs

By Odette Ismail
23 May 2007

Premier Ebrahim Rasool yesterday indicated that R50 000 will be pumped into 15 priority areas by October to fight the battle in drugs and crime which are prevalent in the areas.

Rasool says however that these interventions are more than just addressing the problems of gangs and drugs but that it is about building social capital.

“Linking social capital provides the space for individuals and communities to connect with the formal institutions of society.” says Rasool.

Meanwhile schools will see the deployment of school safety offices to the 109 schools most vulnerable to gangs and violence. This will start in Bishop Lavis, Elsies River, Gugulethu, Delft, Kleivlei, Philippi, Manenberg, Khayelitsha, Nyanga and Mitchells’ plain.

Career guidance, school alarms connected to armed response and 3000 learnerships as well as the building of four new rehabilitation centres.

This will be allocated in Kraaifontein, in the South East Metro, Vredenberg and in Oudtshoorn.

“By October this department will begin to provide alternatives to young people to answer to the complaint that youth turn to drugs and gangs in the absence of alternatives.” says Rasool.

He announced interventions into the 15 areas where sport in schools and communities will be promoted and integrated.

Residents can expect their electricity to be restored

By Chanel September
23 May 2007

The residents of Manenberg can expect to have their electricity supply up and running after the supply was disrupted by the theft and vandalism of an electrical cable and equipment.

The city of Cape Town assured residents that the electricity supply should be restored as many people have been without efficient electricity since Sunday.

“Repairs to the burgled substation are in progress and it will take time, but a mini sub-station has been installed as a temporary measure to ease the load in the area”, says Electricity head of distribution in the area, Hein Basoff.

“By late yesterday afternoon the necessary re-routing of electricity cables should have been completed”, says Boshoff.

It will cost the city close to a million rand to replace the stolen cable and to repair the damage. Some 1800 homes and business were affected by the theft.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Two deaths in just 24 hours in ‘Gugulethu dumping ground’

By Tando Mfengwana
22 May 2007

A man was found murdered at an open field between Ny 5 and Ny 108 in Gugulethu at the exact same spot where a body was dumped a day before.

A taxi driver and his two passengers were shot at in what appears to be a robbery on Monday.

One passenger was declared dead on the scene and the other sustained a bullet wound to the mouth and shoulder.

The taxi driver who had an injury to the head, managed to crawl out and collapsed near a small water pool where he was later taken by paramedics to assess his condition.

Twenty-four hours earlier police had attended to a scene where a body was found after being dumped along with another injured at the precisely the same spot.

A mother of two said that her backyard had become a “dumping ground”, referring to the earlier incident.

Teenagers who say they fear for their safety say they heard gun shots, but did not think of it, because it sounded quite far from them.

Police spokesperson Inspector Bernadine Steyn says that a green Toyota Cressida taxi with three occupants picked-up three unknown males in Browns Farm, Philippi.

“All three men took out firearms and demanded money, cell phones and to be driven to an open field between NY 5 and NY 108”, said Steyn.

When the taxi stopped at the open field the suspects fired several shots at the driver and the two other passengers who were onboard.

“The 25-year-old driver, from Nyanga, sustained a gunshot wound to the head and was taken to hospital,” she said. He is in a critical condition.

A male passenger, about 35-years-old thought to be from Browns Farm, sustained a gunshot wound to the head and died on the scene.

A 31-year-old female passenger from Philippi was shot in the mouth and right shoulder. She is in a serious but stable condition in hospital.

The suspects fled the scene on foot and are still at large. Police are investigating murder and two charges of attempted murder and anyone with information can contact the Gugulethu police station on 021 684 2300.

Steyn says that she hadn’t had any information in connection with the first incident that occurred at the same area.

Three wounded after taxi-related shooting

By Odette Ismail
22 May 2007

Police arrested 14 members of the taxi industry in Kraaifontein this morning on charges of attempted murder and being in possession of an unlicensed firearm.

Police arrived at the corner of Old Paarl and Okavango Roads, Northpine and during intervention police made the arrests and confiscated eight licensed firearms.

“ We have confirmed that three men from the taxi fraternity sustained less serious wounds and was taken to hospital fro medical attention ”, says police spokesperson Captain Elliot Sinyangana.

Police refuse to divulge which taxi associations were involved in the shooting, but It is alleged that the fighting had been between taxi associations Codetta and Cata however police could not confirm this.

The motive for the shooting incident is being investigated.

The suspects are to appear in court on Thursday at the Kuilsriver Magistrates court. They are facing charges of attempted murder and a further charge of the possession of an unlicensed firearm.

Watson to make Bok debut

By Tarryn Le Chat
22 May 2007

Luke Watson will not be in the 22-man squad to face England in the first test in Bloemfontein, but has been chosen to play against Samoa at Ellis Park on June 9 to make his first Bok debut.

It has been agreed that White would pick his strongest side for the first two tests against England, but that Watson would be included in the final Test before the start of the Tri-Nations.

White and Saru President, Oregan Hoskins, with the national selectors reached consensus on Watson at a meeting in Durban on Sunday.

Controversy surrounding Luke Watson and the recent spate about how he had been entered into the 46-man squad has died down.

Many speculated about whether Watson, son of Cheeky Watson - who had been an anti-apartheid activist - would make the final cut and have his first debut as a springbok.

According to reports, White maintains that Watson was too small to play Test rugby and would prove to be a divisive influence in the Bok camp.

The Springbok coach has denied allegations that he had been threatened with losing his job; nor had he considered resigning over the Watson debacle.

Suspect still at large after cash-in transit heist

By Chanel September
22 May 2007

Three armed men robbed a security guard of one cash-box yesterday after an alleged cash-in transit heist in Kromboom Road, Ronderbosch East.

According to police a security vehicle stopped at the premises to pick up money. As the security guard returned he was approached by the suspects on foot.

“One of the suspects pistol whipped the security guard and took the cash box that was deactivated shortly after the incident”, says Police spokesperson Bernadine Steyn.

“The cash box was left on the scene as the suspects fled the scene in two separate getaway cars”, says Steyn.

She added that no shots were fired during the incident and all five suspects are still at large.

A case of armed robbery has been opened. Anyone with information can contact Crime Stop on 08600 10111.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Three suspects arrested for alleged possession of stolen property

By Tarryn Le Chat
21 May 2007

A police constable and two co-accused has been arrested allegedly for the possession of possible stolen property in Maitland.

Police spokesperson Inspector Bernadine Steyn says, “Over the weekend, a police constable, 27, from Parow and two male co-accused, aged 18 and 34 from Maitland, had been arrested for the alleged possession of possible stolen property.”

“Woodstock police followed a green Toyota Corolla with three occupants to a garage in Voortrekker Road, Maitland. Police officials searched the vehicle and confiscated a set of wheels that were on the back and in the boot of the vehicle”, says Steyn.

The suspects are to appear in the Cape Town Magistrates Court today.

Three youths' driving a taxi hijacked, shot and left for dead

By Tando Mfengwana
21 May 2007

Another taxi related murder at the Cape Flats. Two men were dumped near the Gugulethu cemetery on Sunday evening after an alleged hijacking.

A man in his 20’s was found with a single bullet wound to the head.

One of the men managed to escape and stumbled to a nearby house and he had a bullet wound which pierced his left jaw on to the neck.

He was taken to the Groote Schuur Hospital for treatment.

Residents near the area say they heard a knock at their back door at about 10:10 pm, when a man also in his early 20’s entered and asked for help.

He allegedly told them that they picked three people who they thought were taxi-passengers.

But their passengers turned out to be hijackers who shot them and left them for dead near the cemetery.

The survivor says they were driving a white taxi with black tinted windows, when they picked up two men and a woman in Harare, Khayelitsha.

Police and paramedics arrived at the scene about 45 minutes later.

The survivor alleges that there was a third person along with them that was never accounted for.

Community Information Network

# The friends of the Rondebosch Common will have their members evening and general meeting on Tuesday May 22, at 5:30pm, at the Guide Hall, Alma Road, Rosebank. The Guest speaker is conservation manger Maya Stauch. Contact Sue on 021 686 8968.

# The Pinelands Wellness Group will hold their first meeting in the Committee room, upstairs in the Pinelands library, Howard Centre,from 6:30pm to 8pm on Wednesday May 23. Volunteers interested in being part of this support group to raise awareness of diabetes are welcome. Call Mala Makan on 021 532 2967 or 076 175 1041.

# St Luke’s Hospice West Coast is in urgent need of volunteers to help man the shops in Milnerton and Table View. They also need donations of clothing, bric-a-brac and furniture that is in good condition. Used Christmas cards will be welcomed. For more details call carol on 021 557 8925

# The Heideveld Health Committee will be hosting its AGM on Thursday May 24 at the Heideveld Community Health Centre, at 2pm. For more information, contact Mr Simpson on 021 637 6686.

# A reunion of the matric class of 1987 will be held at Lavender Hill Secondary School, Contact Anthea at 084 914 5629 or Melvin on 076 984 9505 for more information.

If you have any information for the CIN team please feel free to send us an email to you can also contact us on 021 448 5450 or fax us on 021 448 5451.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Construction workers pay robbed

By Tando Mfengwana
19 May 2007

One-Hundred-and-Fifty-Five-Thousand rands worth of salary money from a construction company was stolen by five robbers on Friday.

The owner drew money from a bank in Bay side, Table View, when he was about to role the payout to his workers; he was approached by the gunmen and robbed.

Some of the builder tried to chase after the builders, “but one of the robbers fired two shots in their direction but fortunately no one was hurt, said police spokesperson Elliot Sinyangana.

Sinyangana says that the five men escaped in a maroon vehicle without a registration plates.

No arrested have been made.

Anyone with information can contact Crime Stop on 08600 10111.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Chilly temperatures for Coast

By Tando Mfengwana
19 May 2007

Cape Town’s Disaster Risk Management centre has issued severe weather warning to Western and Northern Cape residents.

Very cold, wet and windy conditions were expected this weekend and these are expected to persist until Monday.

Heavy downpours are expected over the south-Western Cape on Saturday, spreading to the Southern Cape and adjacent interior overnight.

Very rough seas are expected between Orange River mouth and Cape Alguhas into Plettenberg Bay by the evening.

Disaster Management predicts snowfalls on high-lying areas of both provinces on Sunday and on Monday.

The Disaster Management centre in on full alert to respond in cases of flooding and other storm related incidents.

In a statement disaster Risk management says the city has however implemented a flood reduction Plan to limit the impact of flooding in winter.

The public is requested to report life or property threatening flooding and other emergencies to the 107 public Emergency Communications Centre from a landline from a cellphone 021 480 7700.

Bulls crowned champions

By Tando Mfengwana
19 May 2007

As if Sharks fans hadn’t had enough of hearing it, the Blue Bulls have become the first South African team to win the Super 14 Cup.

The Sharks kept their temperament up to hold on to a 14-10 lead during the first half.

They drew first blood at first half when old reliable Percy Montgomery converted a penalty to edge over the Bulls.

But that was short lived as the Bulls replied with a tri by Pierre Spies when the Sharks defence blundered and let him through.

That was not the end of the first half as J.P. Pieterson put the dominant Sharks on top when he score the second trie of the day.

Bulls player Derick Hougaard scored two penalties and two conversions to give the Bulls some glimmer of hope when the Sharks seemed set to lift the trophy.

The bulls settled in to the match after a slow start, not to take anything away from the Sharks who took full advantage of this slow start and held on to the lead for most of the match.

It looked like a sure winner for the Sharks when Albert van den Berg the score the third tri of the day.

Speedster Brian Habana snatched the Sharks hopes and dreams of holding the cup with a hard earned tri when the Sharks wilted from enormous pressure from the Bulls.

Sharks:Tries: JP Pietersen, Albert van den Berg
Penalties: Percy Montgomery (3)
Bulls:Tries Pierre Spies, Bryan Habana
Penalties: Derick Hougaard (2)
Conversions: Hougaard (2)

Friday, May 18, 2007

Community Information Network

By Tarryn Le Chat
18 May 2007

# Cape Town child welfare needs volunteers for their 24-hour call centre for its helpkids hotline, to help children in crisis. It is based in Thornton Road, Athlone. Training is provided and volunteers will be required to operate the hotline switchboard, answer calls and if necessary, refer cases to Cape Town child welfare social workers or fully trained eye on the child volunteers. Call Ina Vermeulen at Cape Town child welfare on 021 638 3127 for details.

# Diabetes SA needs books for their annual sale. Books can be dropped off at their office on the Foreshore, Monte Vista, Pinelands or Observatory. For details, call Diabetes SA on 021 425 4440 or email

# Women Arise and Shine (WAS) is a Christians women’s fellowship that aims to empower women to live a fully purpose-driven life. They invite women to their monthly Feminar breakfast with Helga van Niekerk on Friday May 25 and the cost is R75. Contact Madelein on 021 555 2390 or 084 919 3398.

# St Luke’s Hospice West Coast is in urgent need of volunteers to help man the shops in Milnerton and Table View. They also need donations of clothing, bric-a-brac and furniture that is in good condition. Used Christmas cards will be welcomed. For more details call carol on 021 557 8925.

# The Imam Abdullah Haron Education Trust is inviting students, irrespective of race, gender or creed, who are enrolled at tertiary institutions to apply for study loans for the 2007 academic year. The loans, which are interest-free, are repayable upon commencement of employment. Applications should include certified copies of proof of registration, ID, student’s fee account, latest academic results and a letter of motivation. The closing date is Friday May 18th. Call Mogamad Allie on 021 697 2688 or 082 467 7699 for details.

If you have any information for the CIN team please feel free to email us at You can contact us telephonically on 021 448 5450 or fax us on 021 448 5451.

Man confesses to girlfriend's murder

By Tando Mfengwana
18 May 2007

Police arrested a Calitzdorp man in connection with the death of his 35-year-old girlfriend on Thursday.

The 21-year-old was arrested after he confessed to a friend that he had killed his girlfriend.

“The body of Katrien Julius from Langverwaght in Calitzdorp was found next to a cement road in a ditch in Calitzdorp,” says police spokesperson Captain Malcolm Pojie

Julius was last seen with the man on Wednesday.

“At this moment in time the motive is not known yet but is being investigated,” said Pojie.

The suspect is expected to appear at the Calitzdorp magistrate’s court on Monday.

Cape schools plagued by vandalism and crime

By Chanel September
18 May 2007

Schools in the Western Cape have been plagued with vandalism and crime with the Safe Schools call centre receiving 270 reports of vandalism and burglaries since the beginning of the school year.

According to statistics 174 reports of crime, 167 reports of abuse and 53 reports of gang-related violence have all been reported for the period of January until April.

Crimes include all forms of criminal activity such as pupils who are in possession of drugs and weapons.

“The department has millions in 2005/2006 on repairs and maintenance at 707 schools” says, spokesperson for Education MEC Cameron Dugmore, Gert Witbooi.

“The 109 high risk schools were secured by providing security infrastructure to enhance the access control at the school. Safety gates, burglar bars, barbed wire, mesh wire and alarm systems were all equipped at the schools costing the department R4.19m during that period”, says Witbooi.

This past week police searched the Oval North High School in Mitchells Plain where a private matric candidate was found in possession of tik. He was arrested and is to appear in the Mitchells Plain Magistrates Court.

Solidarity draws up agreement for Eskom workers

By Tarryn Le Chat
18 May 2007

Solidarity, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and the National Union of metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) began to draw up an agreement in terms of which Eskom employees will have the right to strike.

Jaco Kleynhans, spokesperson for Solidarity says, “Although government regards Eskom as an essential service at which service delivery cannot be interrupted, Section 23 of the South African Constitution stipulates that all employees have the right to strike.”

An agreement has been drawn up to give Eskom workers the right to strike.

“Eskom maintained its original wage offer of 4 percent. If this continues, trade unions must have the right to strike. A 4 percent offer is simply unacceptable, and if Eskom does not change its position soon the negotiations will culminate in strike action”, says Kleynhans.

According to Kleynhans, trade unions want to finalise the right to strike before the commencement of final wage negotiations in June.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Police nab four alleged hijackers

By Odette Ismail
17 May 2007

Four male suspects will appear in the Athlone Magistrate's Court tomorrow following an armed robbery which took place on Tuesday in Lansdowne, Cape Town.

During routine duties police became aware of two vehicles parked in Cameron Street in Belgravia. They approached the two people sitting in the vehicle and discovered a set of car keys. It turned out to be keys of a car who was hijacked earlier that afternoon.

"Police seized three vehicles that were reported stolen and confiscated a toy gun," says police spokesperson Siphokazi Mawisa.

The same evening at 19H50, police members attached to Gordon’s Bay dog unit arrested the four suspects between the ages of 17 and 21-years-old.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Two men die after being thrown out of train

By Chanel September
16 May 2007

Two men thought to have been thrown from a train were found dead by police.

The incident occurred at 7pm on the Khayelitsha to Cape Town line, next to in Nyanga Junction.

Police officials were still searching for the body of a third man late last night.

According to reports it is still unknown whether the men had been thrown from the train or if they were victims of any other crime.

“We are unable to confirm if the men had been thrown out of the train, but all possibilities were being investigated” says police spokesperson Siphokazi Mawisa.

Strand residents allowed to comment on Green Point Urban Park

By Odette Ismail
16 March 2007

The eigth in a series of public meetings on the plans for the proposed redevelopment of Green Point Common, site of the new multi-purpose stadium for the 2010 Soccer World Cup, will take place at the Strand Civic Centre today.

Subject experts from the City and consultants will answer any questions from the audience during an informal visual presentation.

A statement reveals that so far public participation has welcomed the proposed sports and recreation precinct envisaged for the Common.

The city announced a capital budget provision of R120 million for the redevelopment of Green Point Common and the stadium could be used for ball sports, music concerts and major events before the 2010 World Cup.

The meeting at Strand Civic centre will take place at 18H00 tonight. All comments will be recorded in a report which the city has to submit to the Provincial Minister for Environment, Planning and Economic Development by July 6 2007.

Kidnapped mother and child found, suspect arrested

By Tando Mfengwana
16 May 2007

After a focussed investigation police have arrested the suspect in connection with the kidnapping of a mother and her child in Maclear in the Eastern Cape.

The police’s investigation led them to Maclear where both the victim and her child were found.

Thirty-five-year-old, Nomazwe Bethiwe, and 5-year-old Okuhle were taken hostage at gun-point by a male at NY111 next to New Rest in Gugulethu on 13 November 2006.

”The mother and child are departing the Eastern Cape this evening and will be arriving tomorrow morning,” said police spokesperson Captain Elliot Sinyangana.

The suspect has been arrested on charges of abduction and kidnapping and currently at Maclear police station holding cells, he said.

The suspect will leave the Eastern Cape tomorrow and will arrive on Friday.

"Shortly on arrival he will be taken to the Athlone magistrate court,” Sinyangana said.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Sectoral determination for hospitality industry welcomed

By Tarryn Le Chat
15 May 2007

Trade union federation Cosatu has welcomed the announcement of a sectoral determination for the hospitality industry that will be imposed on minimum wages and conditions for 568 300 workers in 40 430 companies.

These sectors are hotels, lodges, gyms, bed-and-breakfasts, restaurants and pubs.

Enterprises with 10 employees or less will only have to pay their workers R1 480 per month or R7,59 an hour and those with 10 employees or more will fork out R1 650 a month or R8,46 an hour.

For employees in the various sectors this will come as a huge improvement on their current wages, however, they still fall short of an acceptable minimum wage for any worker.

The Department of Labour has said that workers will be working 45 hours a week and will be entitled to overtime, payable at time and a half. They will also receive premium payment payable for Sundays and public holidays.

Many businesses believe, however, that due to this determination, companies will be forced to close down. Cosatu says in a statement that this is not the case as it is a highly profitable and growing industry, having to pay this level of wages cannot be an acceptable excuse for closures or retrenchments.

The terms of the determination will come into effect on the 1 July 2007.

Community Information Network


  • Cape Town child welfare needs volunteers for their 24-hour call centre, operating the helpkids hotline, to help children in crisis. It is based in Thornton Road, Athlone. Training is provided and volunteers will be required to operate the hotline switchboard, answer calls and if necessary, refer cases to Cape Town child welfare social workers or fully trained Eye-on-the-Child volunteers. Call Ina Vermeulen at Cape Town child welfare on 021 638 3127 for details.

  • Diabetes SA needs books for their annual sale. Books can be dropped off at their office on the Foreshore, Monte Vista, Pinelands or Observatory. For details, call Diabetes SA on 021 425 4440 or email

  • The 24th AGM of Fish Hoek Meals on Wheels will be held at the Presbyterian Church Complex in the church hall, central circle, Fish Hoek at 10:30AM on Thursday May 17. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. All are welcome.

  • St Luke’s Hospice West Coast is in urgent need of volunteers to help man their shops in Milnerton and Table View. They also need donations of clothing, bric-a-brac and furniture that is in good condition. Used Christmas cards are welcome. For more details call Carol on 021 557 8925.

  • False Bay College will be having an Open Day on Wednesday, 16 May 2007. Three campuses will be open from 09:00-16:00 and showcase the different programmes that the college offers. Campuses are located in Muizenberg, Khayelitsha and Westlake. Entrance is free open to any member of the public. School groups can book a visit by calling Jeanne or Colleen on 712-1080. For more information visit the website on

    If you have any information for the CIN team please feel free to send us an email to or fax us on + 27 21 448 5451.
  • City tackles cable theft by busting criminals

    By Odette Ismail
    15 May 2007

    The City of Cape Town says their special task team are hot on the trails of cable theft thieves as 30 arrests will already result in court cases to take place.

    The City’s Mayoral Committee in February established the special task team to combat cable theft. According to reports, R22 million had been spent on replacing and repairing damage caused by cable theft last year alone.

    Councillor Clive Justus, chairperson of the City’s Utilities Portfolio committee says ‘the losses suffered due to cable theft are much more severe than the financial implications.’

    He says the team has made great progress and areas where operations have taken place have shown a remarkable decrease in cable theft.

    According to a statement, the latest incident saw the Bridgetown community catch three young people between the ages of 11 and 14 in the act but police arrived too late to make any arrests.

    Justus says’ Syndicates employ individuals who are desperate for work to steal copper cables and pipes at great personal risk.’ He says that the cables are then sold to scrap metal dealers.

    ‘ It is crucial that we involve the community and educate the public about the dangers of stealing copper cables and the negative impact the disruption of electricity has on their own safety and well being,’ says Justus.

    Another cop kills girlfriend and commits suicide

    By Tando Mfengwana
    15 May 2007

    A 42-year-old assistant police commissioner at a satellite police station in Nelspoort shot and killed his girlfriend before turning the gun on himself on Sunday, police say.

    The bodies of Inspector Bennie Paulse and his 25-year-old girlfriend, Valmarie Schroeder, were found by passers-by on Sunday.

    Police spokesperson Malcolm Pojie says that Paulse left Beaufort West to attend to a complaint in Nelspoort on Saturday.

    “He was equipped with an official state vehicle as well as a service pistol.”

    Paulse contacted his girlfriend and picked up Schroeder at her home in Rustdene, Beaufort West. Later, police received calls that Paulse had threatened to take their lives.

    “Police tried to trace them after they were informed by close family and friends that Inspector Pualse was going to put an end to both lives. “

    The assistant station commissioner and his girlfriend’s body were found in the police vehicle, both with bullet wounds to their heads.

    Monday, May 14, 2007

    Parking argument leads to murder

    By Tando Mfengwana
    14 May 2007

    A 42-year-old man was shot and killed in an apparent argument over a parking spot at the corner of Adderley and Strand Street in the Cape Town CBD on Monday.

    The victim was sitting in his car when the argument broke out between the two drivers. The other driver then allegedly fired four shots, fatally wounding the 42-year-old man from Gugulethu. He sustained bullet wounds to the head and arm.

    Police spokesperson Constable Siphokazi Mawisa says he died on the scene. She confirmed that there was a passenger in the victim’s car but he was not harmed during the incident.

    The 34-year-old suspect from Milnerton has been arrested and his firearm confiscated.

    Mawisa said that the suspect is expected to appear in court soon and. A case of murder is being investigated.

    Local health department celebrates International Nurses Day

    By Chanel September
    14 May 2007

    The Western Cape Health Department honoured the excellent work done by nurses, in the public health sector, in the province this past weekend.

    Celebrating International Nurses Day on Saturday May 12, the day also recognized the contributions and commitment made by nurses on a daily basis.

    The theme for this year’s Nurses Day was: Positive practice environments: Quality workplaces = quality patient care.

    Minister for Health in the province Pierre Uys says “We once again salute the nurses of the Western Cape and celebrate those who contribute so much of themselves to improve the health and life quality of others”.

    He added that “The theme highlights the critical role played by health workers”.

    eNaTIS will cost motorists a R30 fee

    By Tarryn Le Chat
    14 May 2007

    Transport Minister Jeff Radebe needs to justify his decision to impose an additional cost of R30 on motorists and other users which will allegedly be used for the maintenance of the multimillion rand electronic National Traffic Information System (eNaTIS), says DA member of Parliament Stuart Farrow.

    The fee was announced on Tuesday, 8 May, by the minister at a press conference in which he apologised for the disastrous launch of eNaTIS and said it was to take effect from the 1 July this year.

    Accordign to a statement, it is estimated that Government will be coining a whopping R258 million a year from the additional fee on the country’s 8.6 million registered motor vehicle owners.

    Farrow says, “The DA will, this week, submit a parliamentary question in order to ascertain why minister Radebe did not announce this fee at the launch of eNaTIS and whether his department has explored all other avenues to get the money for the maintenance of the system?”

    The DA member continues saying that eNaTIS is fraught with problems and that the Tasima consortium – which won the R408 million contract in 2001 – is supposed to hand it over to the department at the end of this month, “one cannot help but wonder about the reasons that have prompted the Minister to impose this additional fee.”

    Farrow, however, was unavailable for comment as he did not answer his cellphone.

    Sunday, May 13, 2007

    Number of children deaths rise in shack fires

    By Tarryn Le Chat
    13 May 2007

    A 10-year-old boy inside pounded against the windows in a vain bid to save his life and that of his two siblings as the flames engulfed his Wesbank home.

    The children’s mother and neighbour’s watched in horror as the shack burned down, killing Michaela Jones, Shahida Mohammed, six, and two-year-old Abubukar Mohammed.

    It had just past midnight when a neighbour, Heather Wagenaar, 18, heard an explosion “like a petrol bomb” from the home across the street. Wagenaar, her aunt and mother rushed out the street to see a fire destroying the home of Portia Mohammed and her three children.

    Where there was once a family of four, there remained a grief-stricken mother and the charred remains of a small tin shack.

    Wilfred Solomons of Disaster and Risk Management says the number of deaths of children rose to five in Cape Town since Friday.

    Preferencial treatment for Shaik says Bhudu

    By Tarryn le Chat
    13 May 2007

    The Department of Correctional services continues to give imprisoned Durban businessman Schabir Shaik preferential treatment.

    The director of the South African Prisoners Organisation for Human Rights (Sapohr), Golden Miles Bhudu says that Shaik has been at the Albert Luthuli hospital for 25 days, and that he was not being treated like a prisoner.

    The public relations officer for the Albert Luthuli Hospital, john Thusi, confirmed that shaik was still at the hospital, but he could not comment because that was a private and confidential matter.

    Shaik is said to be suffering from hypertension.

    Correctional Services was not available for comment.

    Murder case resumes agaisnt Idols winner ex-boyfriend

    By Tarryn Le Chat
    13 May 2007

    The case against Cheslyn Williams, former boyfriend of Idols winner Karen Kortje, who has been charged with the murder and armed robbery of a Durbanville guesthouse owner, resumes in the Bellville Magistrates Court tomorrow.

    Williams, 21, is accused of killing Renate kellerman, whose half-naked body was found in a bedroom at the Le Petit Chateau guesthouse last year July.

    Kellerman 35, mother of two small children, Micaela, 7, and Armand, 4, ran the upmarket guesthouse with her husband Wynand.

    Kortje, her manager, Jabu Mlotshwa and Williams had been staying at the guesthouse while she was shooting a TV advert in the city.

    Saturday, May 12, 2007

    NCOP to see if service delivery is rendered

    By Tando Mfengwana
    12 May 2007

    Members of the National Council of Provinces will from Monday embark on a week long visit to their respective provinces to check progress on service delivery.

    The Provincial week was established to obligate the council into ensuring that provincial interest is taken into account.

    NCOP Chairperson in the Western Cape, Nosipho Mntwanambi says that “We want to see whether at local government level, service is really rendered to the people, and what are the bottlenecks if there are any.”

    She says that they want to see “how do we make sure that if there are any bottlenecks we speak to relevant MEC and ministers?”

    Mntwanambi says that in the “Western Cape we’ll be focusing in housing in the De Doorns, we will also be looking at the report of the Oudtshoorn municipality.

    The council will also be looking at Cape Town’s programmes and its Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) programmes, she said.

    A report with recommendations will be tabled before the NCOP for debate.

    Friday, May 11, 2007

    Police nab alleged fraudster

    By Tando Mfengwana
    11 May 2007

    An ongoing police investigation led to the arrest on Thursday of a Nigerian citizen, alleged to be a fraudsteer.

    Police spokesperson Inspector Bernadine Steyn says the arrest comes after executing a search warrant at a business premises in Cape Town. She says police confiscated four computers and computer equipment that can be used for manufacturing academic degrees, temporary residence permits and applications for asylum.

    The man, believed to be in his thirties, is expected to appear in the Cape Town Magistrate’s Court on Monday.

    Maintenance worker dies after being hit by train

    By Chanel September
    11 May 2007

    A Metrorail maintenance worker lost his life after being hit by a passenger train on Thursday morning. The incident took place on the tracks of Clovelly station near Fish Hoek.

    According to reports the victim suffered extensive injuries and multiple fractures, including a facture to the skull.

    It is believed that the man was sucked into the vacuum the moving train created on the lines.

    "Metrorail will co-operate with authorities during the investigation. The station at Covelly no longer functioned as a station," Metrorail spokesperson Riana Scott says.

    “We will assist the family of the victim and give them the necessary support,” she added.

    Off-duty policeman robbed, murdered in Gugulethu

    By Odette Ismail
    11 May 2007

    Police revealed that Andre Notnagel, an off-duty police official, has been fatally wounded before his killers robbed him of his possessions in Gugulethu.

    Police attended to a shooting incident last night and found the injured driver sitting in a blue Fiat Uno. Police only established later that the 32-year-old (based at Paarl SAPS) was an off-duty police official.

    Captain Elliot Sinyangana says three armed men approached and robbed him of his wallet, cellphone and his service weapon.

    “Thereafter they shot him in the chest and fled the scene on foot towards the direction of NY 101,” he said.

    Medical emergency services responded to the shooting and attended to Notnagel but he later died on the scene.

    The motive for the killing is believed to be robbery, says Sinyangana and no arrests have yet been made. “We hope to arrest the suspects very soon.”

    A case-docket of murder and armed robbery has been opened for investigation. Anyone with information should contact Gugulethu SAPS on 021 637 5997 or Crime Stop on 08600 10111.

    Metal industry employers refuse negotiations with unions

    By Tando Mfengwana
    11 May 2007

    Negotiations in the metal industry reached a stalemate as employers refused to negotiate with unions about condition of service yesterday.

    In a statement Solidarity says that the five unions representing workers walked out of the negotiations.

    Solidarity general secretary, Johan Pieterse said if the employers “persist in their refusal to negotiate about conditions of service, we will embark on a process of declaring a dispute and this may end in strike.”

    The statement said that the principal aim in this year’s wage negotiations were to obtain an 11percent wage increase for all workers in the industry.

    The unions also demand a 5 percent scarcity allowance on the salaries of workers.

    Pieterse says that the industry has experienced tremendous growth and profits just disappear to company coffers, without a cent reaching the workers.

    The industry’s current wage agreement will expire on the 30th of June 2007.

    Bulls become first RSA team to win Super 14

    By Tando Mfengwana
    19 May 2007

    As if Sharks fans hadn’t had enough of hearing it, the Blue Bulls have become the first South African team to win the Super 14 Cup.

    The Sharks kept their temperament up to hold on to a 14-10 lead during the first half at the clash.

    The Sharks drew first blood at first half when old reliable Percy Montgomery converted a penalty to edge over the Bulls.

    But that was short lived as the Bulls replied with a tri by Pierre Spies when the Sharks defence blundered to let him through.

    That was not the end of the first half as J.P. Pieterson put the dominant Sharks on top with a long run to score the second trie.

    Bulls players Derick Hougaard who scored two penalties and two conversions to give the Bulls some glimmer of hope when the Sharks seemed set to lift the trophy.

    The bulls settled in to the match after a slow start, not to take anything away from the Sharks took full advantage of this slow start and held on to the lead for most of the match.

    What looked like a sure winner for the Sharks when Albert van den Berg the score the third tri of the day, only to be denied at the death.

    Speedster Brian Habana snatched the sharks hopes and dreams of holding the cup with a hard earned trie when the Sharks wilted from enormous pressure the Bulls.

    Sharks:Tries: JP Pietersen, Albert van den Berg
    Penalties: Percy Montgomery (3)

    Bulls:Tries; Pierre Spies, Bryan Habana
    Penalties: Derick Hougaard (2)
    Conversions: Hougaard (2)

    Thursday, May 10, 2007

    City calls for better management of Minstrels

    By Tando Mfengwana
    10 may 2007

    The City of Cape Town has called upon various minstrels and related choir associations to start working together to ensure that problems encountered in previous minstrel festivals are avoided.

    Past minstrel events have been hampered by funding and legal problems, which resulted in key fundraising opportunities, marketing and broader participation by the corporate sponsors being lost.

    The City’s executive Director for economic and Social Development, Mansoor Mohamed has asked leaders of various groupings to ensure “better corporate governance, better financial control and financial governance and better organisation and we want to plan well ahead of time, so that there could be broader participation by all stake holders.”

    Various minstrels and related groupings agreed to submit their plans for the Festival to the City by the 31st of this month.

    Mohamed says “this was done poorly in the interest of the event being a success for the 2007/2008 year.”

    Wednesday, May 09, 2007

    Education department to intervene in school sports

    By Odette Ismail
    09 May 2007

    After another incident of rugby violence between Gordon High school and Collegians rugby club over the weekend, the Western Cape Education Department may govern school sport.

    Gert Witbooi spokeperson for Education MEC Cameron Dugmore says they would consider intervening if disruption continues to take place. “Initially principals should make sure there are guidelines to ensure learners are safe, but if violence continues we will ask officials to investigate incidents.”

    Witbooi says the department hasn’t taken an official stance on the situation but confirms that there are options which are available. “We can look into suspending school outings at certain schools where violence reoccurs.

    He says although the education department works together with the Sport and Cultural Affairs Department and School Association, they may intervene as learners are under the guardianship of the education department.

    This comes after match between two under-19-teams became violent on Saturday. It left a security guard’s arm broken in two places and the touch judge was stabbed in the head with a flagpole.

    New taxi rank for Fisantekraal welcomed

    By Tando Mfengwana
    09 May 2007

    Durbanville Commuters have welcomed a new taxi rank that provides a pick-up and drop off point in the Fisantekraal area.

    The new facility worth R500 000 was officially opened by Elizabeth Thompson Mayoral Committee Member for Transport, Roads and Storm water.

    Previously taxis would park under trees on the corner of Boy Briers Road near the R312 to Wellington. The City found this area to be unsuitable because of commuter discomfort and problems with illegal dumping.

    Thompson says that the interchange is part of the City of Cape Town’s co-ordinated development plan to improve transport facilities.

    A survey of the area showed was done in August 2005 and construction started in February last year. Temporary toilets and a water standpipe have been put in place, until permanent ablution structures are completed, as there were not enough funds.

    Thompson added that the Cape Amalgamated Taxi Association (Cata) is the only association operating in the area, “which makes it much easier because there is no dispute about roots…”

    She says that “this is just the first phase, as the area might become a business hub, because in the near future, there will be a shopping centre development for this area.”

    Tuesday, May 08, 2007

    A breakthrough in Nyanga policeman's murder

    By Odette Ismail
    08 May 2007

    Police have arrested a 64-year-old man in connection with the murder of an off-duty policeman yesterday in Ngulube Street, Nyanga. The suspect was arrested late last night after he fled the murder scene.

    Constable Zweandile Ntshewula, aged 32 and based with the Nyanga SAPS, was killed near a railway station. Police spokesperson Captain Elliot Sinyangana says a taxi and the officer's private vehicle nearly collided, which sparked a heated argument between the two.

    Sinyanga confirmed that when the policeman drove away, the taxi driver fired five shots. One of them killed the constable instantly. The suspect will appear in the Athlone Magistrates court on Thursday on a charge of murder.

    Ntshewula leaves behind his wife and two children.

    Correctional service's team visit WC prisons

    By Tando Mfengwana
    08 May 2007

    Parliament’s Correctional Services Committee will make a five day visit to prisons in order to deal with issues of overcrowding.

    The committee visited the Helderstroom prison on Monday. On Tuesday they will visit the Buffelsjag Prison and on Wednesday the committee will be at the Mossel Bay prison. The Argus reports that the Knsyna prison will be visited on Thursday which would be followed by the George prison on Friday.

    Dennis Bleom, the chairperson of the committee, says that they will assess overcrowding in the prisons. They will also meet with the prisons' respective parole boards, case management committees, as well as with warders.

    Bloem says that the committee will also look at the matter of prisoner's alleging that their parole cases are not being heard.

    Community Information Network

    By Tando Mfengwana
    08 May 2007

    # False Bay College will be having an Open Day on Wednesday 16 May. Three campuses will be open from 09:00-16:00 and showcase the different programmes that the college offers. Campuses are located in Muizenberg, Khayelitsha and Westlake. Entrance is free of charge and is open to any member of the public. School groups can book a visit by calling Jeanne or Colleen on 712-1080. For more information visit our website on

    # St Luke’s Hospice West Coast is in urgent need of volunteers to help man the shops in Milnerton and Table View. They also need donations of clothing, bric-a-brac and furniture that are in good condition. Used Christmas cards will be welcomed. For more details call Carol on 021 557 8925.

    # The Rape crisis Cape Town Trust in Observatory is holding its annual training course for new volunteer counsellors from Saturday May 12 to Saturday June 23. The course will run from 1pm to 4pm during the week with first and last sessions on Saturdays. Applicants should be over 21 and live near Observatory, or have their own transport. Email Tessa on or call 021 447 9762 for more details about the course.

    # Imperial Primary school will host its annual carnival on Friday and Saturday, May 11 And 12. The Miss Carnival Competition for the seniors will take place on Friday and the juniors on Saturday. Tickets cost R8 for adults and R5 for children. Vocalists or dance groups who would like to perform at the carnival can contact the school on 021 376 1105 or fax on 021 376 3223.

    # The Netcare group of hospitals will be administrating vaccinations against polio and measles to pre-school children at Netcare Stork’s Nest clinics as well as Medicross and prime cure facilities, free of charge. Between Monday 7 and Friday May 11 vaccinations against measles while polio vaccinations will be available from Monday June 11 to Friday June 15. All babies and children from birth to five years will be vaccinated, even if they have been vaccinated before. There are clinics in Tokai, Parow, Kenilworth and Table View. For more information, call 021 554 9000.

    If you have any information for the CIN team regarding events happening in your community please contact us on 021 4485450, you can also fax us on 021 4485451 alternatively email us at

    Monday, May 07, 2007

    Search continues for suspects in police murders

    By Odette Ismail
    07 May 2007

    Police are still trying to find the murderers of two Metro Police officers who were shot in Delft while getting out of their parked vehicle on Friday.

    Their investigation is continuing but according to reports police confirm they have no leads which could help them find the two suspects. Police spokesperson Siphokazi Mawisa says Mkuseli Mqukuse (33) and Mcebisi Xotongo (30) were killed in Voorbrug Street, Delft early on Friday morning.

    The motive for the killing is unknown but police are investigating whether the two off-duty officers' murder is related to taxi violence.

    Meanwhile Dumisani Ximbi, mayoral committee member for safety and security, will put forward a proposal to council to provide a R100 000 reward to anyone with information relating to the murder, at the end of this month.

    Police nab thieves after warehouse robbery

    By Tando Mfengwana
    07 May 2007

    Gauteng police arrested eight men for allegedly robbing a Fordsburg warehouse of goods worth over R700 000 on Sunday. Police patrolling the area apprehended five men who were loading boxes of clothes, watches and shoes on a truck.

    Superintendent Thembi Nkwashu says they also caught a security guard who was supposed to be on guard in a nearby building. Independent Online reports that the security guard was questioned and searched. Police found DVD’s from the warehouse in his possession and he was arrested. He then led police to two men, who were also found with DVD’s from the warehouse in their possession.

    The men are due to appear in the Johannesburg magistrate court on Monday.

    Public to air their views on the common

    By Chanel September
    7 May 2007

    Another public meeting, to be held next week, to discuss the Green Point Common has been added to the public consultation process. So far, the meetings have garnered a positive response to the proposed common.

    Residents in the city have had the opportunity to make their voices heard with comment and suggestions on the development site plan for the common.

    City of Cape Town spokesperson Pieter Cronjie says, “the city has made a capital budget provision of R120 million for the redevelopment of the common”.

    He added that “construction of the new site is on schedule, “the meeting series is due to end this month on 25 May."

    Sunday, May 06, 2007

    DA elects Zille as president

    By Tando Mfengwana
    06 May 2007

    Cape Town Mayor Helen Zille has been unanimously elected the leader of the Democratic Alliances today at the party’s congress at Gallagher Estate in Midrand.

    She recieved786 votes from the more than a thousand delegates, with the party’s Eastern Cape leader coming in second with 228 votes, and the Joe Seremane just getting 65 votes.

    There were six spoilt ballots.

    She steps in the place of Tony Leon, who led the party for 13 years.

    She is but the second elected female president of a political party in South Africa, the first being Patricia de Lille, President of the Independent Democrats.

    De Lille has extended her congratulations to Zille.

    She added that “The ID respects the choice of the structures of the DA and hopes to see a considerable change in the DA from its traditional obstructive politics to the politics of engagement.”

    Rip-tide warning - NSRI

    By Tando Mfengwana
    06 May 2007

    The National Sea rescue Institute has issued a stern warning of rip-current following two near drowning incidents yesterday.

    NSRI spokesperson Craig Lambinon says that a 71-year-old man was taken to hospital after he fell from dollosses near Paardon Island on to the beach in Table Bay.

    He says “the man from Brooklyn fractured his right patella (shoulder bone) and metro rescue had to used a stokes basket to get him out of the area.”

    In another incident a 17-year-old youth had also been rescued by surfers after he was swept out to sea by strong rip-currents.

    He was taken to hospital in a stable condition, for observation for secondary drowning.

    Lambinon says bathers should exercise caution in the surf and around river mouths especially now where good weather entices bathers to go to the beach.

    He warns that anyone caught in a rip current will be swept out to sea.

    If anyone is caught they should not panic and do not try to swim against the current which will only cause exhaustion.

    “Rather let the current take you out to sea and stay afloat by treading water, keep your head above and take deep slow breaths.” Wave towards the shore and shout for help to alert people and at your first opportunity swim parallel to the shore to get free of the rip-current, he says.

    If anyone onshore witnesses such an incident they should call 082 911 immediately and report the incident.

    Twenty-five arrested for driving without licences

    By Tando Mfengwana
    06 May 2007

    Eastern Cape police arrested 25 motorists for driving without driving licences on the N1 highway in Dutywa on Sunday.

    The lawbreakers, aged between 25 and 55, were arrested during a roadblock between Dutywa and Butterworth on Saturday.

    Captain Ling’sile Magama told Independent Online that they were all released on R7 000 bail each. The offenders will appear in town’s magistrate court soon.

    Slain Wesbank boy laid to rest

    The little boy from Wesbank who was tragically killed whilst asleep, will be laid to rest on Saturday morning. Four-year-old Davin Afrika ...