Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Home affairs Department to root out corruption

BY Khanyisa Tabata
16 September 2009

Home Affairs Department’s Deputy Director General Vusi Mkhize says they are doing everything it can to root out widespread problem of corruption in the department.

In a media statement Mkhize said the department is still facing the problem of staff taking bribes and working with syndicates.

Mkhize says the problem to have situation where throughout the years there has become culture to request bribes.

The issue of syndicates is one of the longstanding problems the department is trying to root out.

Mkhize revealed that on average the department had dismissed about 120 corrupt officials, in addition to other disciplinary actions or sanctions taken against those people who may have acted illegally.

However, he said there was a need for a strong holistic approach to corruption throughout the society as it takes two parties to commit the act.

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