Thursday, September 15, 2011

ANC Youth League says Shoot the Boer ruling highlights judicial problems

By Lelethu Mquqo
15 September 2011

ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema says the fact that the controversial Shoot the Boer song has been banned as hate speech shows that there is something wrong with South Africa’s judicial system.

The ruling was made in the South Gauteng High Court earlier this week by Judge Collin Lamont.

Malema told a news conference in Johannesburg today that the ruling showed that a minority group still controls every aspect of people’s lives.

The League says it intends to appeal the ruling and AfriForum, which brought the case to court in the first place, say they are ready to oppose them.

AfriForum chief executive, Kallie Kriel, says they are not only prepared to take the case to the Constitutional Court, but to the United Nations hate speech forum as well.

He says they have already won their two cases against Julius Malema and are sure to win again.

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